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Monday 29 May 2023

Biafra Remembrance Day: How May 30 frightens Nigeria government


Written By Eluwa Chidiebere Chinazu | Biafra Writers

May 29, 2023.

In Nigeria, West Africa, there has been an intense battle between the people and the government of the day, over an important ritual slated every 30th of May - "Biafra Remembrance Day".

In 2015, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) - the present movement championing the restoration of the defunct State of Biafra, initiated the idea of solemnizing the fallen heroes of Biafra, who were decimated in a genocidal war by Nigeria between May 30, 1967 to January 12, 1970.

Since this exercise was nurtured in the minds of the people of the region, it has recorded tremendous compliance; alas! The government of Nigeria would by all means not let the people decide how they want to mourn their dead, by using the militarily to clamp down on the people.

Prior to the failed 'Aburi Accord' between the then Nigerian head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, and the military governor of the Eastern region, Lieutenant Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu, which was meant to foster peace by restructuring the country's military and constitution, there was a military coup, a counter-coup followed by the different anti-Igbo pogroms in the country which extinguished thousands of Igbo lives  and lastly the Nigeria-Biafra war.

An implausible theory - that masking the memories of the genocidal war and its aftermath - would catalyze the complete erosion of the Biafra ideology, and dissuade the likelihood of the one-time war, is what makes the Nigeria government hellbent on inhibiting the pattern Biafrans want to remember their dead.

In effect, lobbying world diplomats, buying weapons from the United States, carrying out excessive military drilling on the Biafra territories, sidelining the region politically, et cetera; are areas the Nigerian government shows their power.

In their bid to bury the Biafra ideology, the then MASSOB (Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra) group championed by Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, was surmounted through the use of force. Okuzu SARS massacre, Ezu River massacre of MASSOB members, and the taking into confinement of the leader etc trimmed the glorious wings of MASSOB. From that moment the Nigerian government breathed in fresh air.

When it seemed to the government that the task of burying Biafra ideology had successfully been achieved, then came Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's IPOB out of the blue. A more formidable Biafra liberation movement that succeeded in rejuvenating the spirit of Biafra beyond comprehension.

In the light of this new development, the Nigerian government still adopted the same method used in quelling MASSOB to bring Kanu's IPOB to a halt. But instead of yielding the required result, it fueled the movement and skyrocketed the groups zealousness to the brim.

Against Kanu's IPOB, the government has shown how desperate they are in halting the group by not minding both local and international laws binding self determination movements. There has been a series of massacres against the group. For example: Nkpor massacre on May 30, 2016, Igwuocha (Port Harcourt) massacre during Donald Trump presidential campaign rally, Onitsha headbridge massacre, Emene massacre, Afara Ibeku massacre, Igwuocha express  road Aba massacre (IPOB members were made to drink dirty mud water), National High School Aba, massacre et cetera.

Amidst all these, IPOB stands tall. The 30th May solemnization, "Biafra Remembrance Day,'' birthed by the movement still records unimaginable compliance as the whole Biafran territory is already embarking upon the annual ritual at their various homes. It has always been a (sit-at-home) ghost town every May 30. This year's solemnization would not be different.

EDITOR: Comrade Lawson

PUBLISHER: Comrade Ofor Princewill

Monday 22 May 2023

30th May: Remembering Biafran Heroes And Honouring Their Sacrifices

 30th May: Remembering Biafran Heroes And Honouring Their Sacrifices

The 30th of May holds immense significance for Biafrans around the world. On this day known as Biafra Heroes remembrance day, the Biafran people gather to honor and remember the Heroes/Heroines who sacrificed their lives in defense of their culture, traditions, value system and land from external aggressors. This solemn occasion serves as a time for reflection, prayers and a call for justice because the wounds inflicted upon the Biafran people have remained unhealed and unappeased.

The Biafra Heroes Day commemorates the Biafran Genocidal War, levied by Nigeria and Britain(United Kingdom), that took place from 1967 to 1970, when the Biafra sought to establish an independent nation. This quest for independence was driven by various factors, including; cultural and ethnic differences, economic disparities, prevention of genocide and the desire to preserve the unique heritage of the Biafran people.

The abundantly blessed land of Biafra by Chiukwu Okike Abiama(the Supreme Creator), possesses vast reserves of mineral and human resources. These blessings became both a source of contention and a catalyst for the tragic events that unfolded. The British colonialists, driven by greed, envy and jealousy sought to control and exploit these resources, leading to the suppression of Biafra's aspirations for independence.

The heroes of Biafra valiantly defended their land against overwhelming odds, standing up against aggression and oppression. They fought to protect their cultural heritage, their way of life, and the future of their children. Their unwavering determination in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration for this generation and generations to come, an embodiment of the resilience and spirit of the Biafran people.

Regrettably, despite the passage of time, justice for the victims of the Biafra Genocide remains elusive. The United Nations, the international body entrusted with upholding justice and human rights have yet to address the atrocities committed against the Biafran people. The British government with its historical involvement in the region, continues to be the minds behind the diplomatic oppression and marginalization of Biafrans in the 21st century.

On Biafra Heroes Day, it is essential to honor the innocent lives lost during the conflict and afterwards. The blood of these heroes cries out for justice and recognition. Their sacrifice must not be forgotten. They must rather be immortalized through remembrance, education and efforts to seek redress for the wrongs committed against them.

The call for justice remains ever pertinent. The international community must acknowledge the genocidal acts perpetrated against the Biafran people and support their pursuit of justice. It is incumbent upon the United Nations, in keeping with its founding principle of a guardian of global peace and security, to heed the cries for justice and ensure that those responsible for the atrocities are held accountable.

Biafra Heroes Day also serves as a reminder to the current generation of Biafrans to cherish and safeguard their culture and traditions. It is through the preservation of their heritage that the Biafran people can pay homage to their fallen heroes/heroines and ensure that their sacrifices are not in vain. The younger generation must be educated about their history, instilling a sense of pride and resilience in the face of adversity.

As the struggle for self-determination continues, fueled by the memory of the fallen and the quest for a brighter future, it is imperative for the international community to recognize the historical injustices perpetrated against the Biafran people. It is a moral obligation to address the atrocities committed during the Biafran Genocidal War and ensure that such human rights violations are never repeated.

Efforts towards justice and recognition should include truth-seeking processes, the establishment of memorial sites and reparations for the victims and their families. By acknowledging the past, society can move towards a future where the wounds of the past are healed and all individuals can coexist in harmony and mutual respect.

Furthermore, Biafra Heroes Day serves as a reminder that the fight for justice and the protection of culture and traditions is an ongoing endeavor. The current generation of Biafrans must keep holding strong the mantle and continue the struggle for self-determination, equal rightsand social justice. It is through their unity, resilience and peaceful advocacy that lasting change can be achieved.

Education plays a vital role in preserving and promoting Biafran culture and traditions. By teaching younger generations about the history and struggles of their people, they can develop a strong sense of identity, pride and a commitment to safeguarding their heritage. Cultural events, art, literature and music can also contribute to the revitalization and celebration of Biafran customs.

Ultimately, Biafra Heroes Day serves as a regrettable reminder that the sacrifices made by the heroes of Biafra should never be forgotten. Their courage, determination and unwavering commitment to their land and people deserve eternal recognition and gratitude. It is through honoring their memory, seeking justice and preserving their legacy that the spirit of Biafra will continue to inspire generations to come.

On this Biafra Heroes Day, let us remember the fallen heroes, pray for their souls, and renew our commitment to the pursuit of justice, freedom and the preservation of Biafran culture and traditions. May their sacrifice always serve as a beacon of hope and resilience for the Biafran people and all those fighting for justice and human rights around the world.

Written by Obulose Chidiebere

Edited by Chibueze Daniel 

For Family Writers Press International

Sunday 21 May 2023

Religious Persecution: 18,000 churches, 2,200 Christian schools destroyed, 50,000 murdered for being "Christian" in Nigeria

  Religious Persecution: 18,000 churches, 2,200 Christian schools destroyed, 50,000 murdered for being "Christian" in Nigeria

At this point, 2023 is not looking any better, with the report revealing that 1,041 “defenseless Christians” were slaughtered in the first 100 days of this year.

At least 52,250 people have been killed over the last 14 years in Nigeria just for being Christian, a new report published April 10 revealed.

The report, titled “Martyred Christians in Nigeria” and published by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety), which is headquartered in Eastern Nigeria, says 30,250 of those have been killed since 2015, when President Muhhamadu Buhari came to power. The report blames what it calls Buhari’s radical Islamism for those killings. Nevertheless, approximately 34,000 moderate Muslims were also butchered or hacked to death within the same period.

At this point, 2023 is not looking any better, with the report revealing that 1,041 “defenseless Christians” were slaughtered in the first 100 days — that is from January 1 to April 10. Within the same period, at least 707 Christians were kidnapped.

The report further indicates that under President Buhari, 18,000 Christian churches and 2,200 Christian schools have been incinerated.

The attacks on Christians have also led to significant problems with regard to people being forced to flee from their homes. While more than 50 million Christians, mostly in Northern Nigeria, face “serious jihadist threats for being professed Christians,” no fewer than “14 million have been uprooted and 8 million forced to flee their homes to avoid being hacked to death,” the report says.

About “5 million have been displaced and forced into Internally Displaced Peoples’ (IDP) camps within Nigeria and refugee camps at regional and sub-regional borders.”

The sheer number of Christians and moderate Muslims killed or displaced has sent chills down the spines of many, including Andrew Boyd, spokesman for Release International, which serves the persecuted church in some 30 countries. He described the report’s finding as “a staggering death toll.”

“It is absolutely appalling that so many Christians are being targeted for their faith and killed in Nigeria, while the Nigerian government seems to stand by and let it happen. It is no less appalling that the international community appears content to stay on the sidelines and watch,” he told OSV News.

Meanwhile, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), in its own report, has given voice to the thousands of Christians persecuted for their faith in Nigeria.

Maryamu Joseph was just 7 years old when Boko Haram, a violent jihadi extremist organization, attacked her Bazza community and forcefully took her and 21 others to the Sambisa Forest, where she spent nine years. She only escaped in July 2022, and she told her story to ACN.

“Nine years of living in bondage! Nine years of torture! Nine years of agony! We suffered so much at the hands of these heartless, ruthless people,” she told ACN. “For nine years, we saw the shedding of the innocent blood of my fellow Christians, killed by people who do not value life. They murdered without remorse, like it’s a normal thing to do. These nine wasted years in the Sambisa Forest cannot be forgotten in a blink of an eye. Words cannot do justice to what I’ve gone through.”

Andrew Boyd said his organization has identified Nigeria as “a country of particular concern.” But the figures of those being killed in the tens of thousands, and the disheartening testimonies of survivors like Maryamu Joseph, “cry out more clearly than we ever could,” Boyd said. He said the statistics were no doubt appalling, but they weren’t surprising.

“Release International has been reporting year in and year out of the targeting of Christians in Nigeria by Islamist militants. Not only do Nigeria’s Christians face slaughter at the hands of Boko Haram and Islamic State, they are being killed daily by well-armed Fulani extremists,” Boyd told OSV News, referring to Fulani pastoralist people who have joined Islamist extremist groups.

He warned that there could be “a mass exodus of Christians from Africa’s most populous country unless the incoming Nigerian president takes urgent steps to protect Christians from the violence of these jihadists.”

He said his organization was working with partners on the ground in Nigeria “to provide support for suffering Christians.” This includes trauma counseling.

“So many have lost members of their families and their homes. We are working with trusted partners to bring some comfort and support. We are raising their voices and their concerns around the world. And we will continue to do so,” Boyd stressed.

According to the Open Doors Watch List 2023, released on January 17, Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places “to follow Jesus.” According to the report, Nigeria accounts for 89% of Christians martyred worldwide.

Ngala Killian Chimtom writes for OSV News from Yaoundé, Cameroon.


Friday 19 May 2023

ESN is Upright and professional Security Outfit that Cannot Engage in Any criminality --IPOB

 ESN is Upright and professional Security Outfit that Cannot Engage in Any criminality --IPOB 

We the global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu KANU, a prisoner of conscience, unequivocally refute the concocted lies and falsehood which the Nigeria Government and it's Security Agencies are peddling to the effect that the criminals and kidnappers with whom the Nigerian DSS and Police have hither to been working together whom they have now eliminated to cover their evil tracks in Anambra State are operatives of ESN and IPOB members. That claim is nothing but the usual lie and propaganda against IPOB and ESN being propagated by a morally bankrupt and shameless Nigerian Security apparatus to discredit our genuine struggle for Self Determination in the International community. 

The criminal gang led by Odumodu, who was murdered by the Nigeria Security Agents recently in Anambra State, were not IPOB members nor ESN Operatives. In fact, the murdered criminals were among the names that one of our leaders, Mazi Chinasa Nworu, publicly announced as among the criminals who in collaboration with the Nigerian DSS were being used to impersonate ESN operatives while tormenting our people during one of his radio Biafra broadcast last month. It is on that very broadcast that he declared them wanted and promised a reward for anyone who can give tips on how to arrest and detain them. 

By this very action, IPOB made it clear to all and sundry that these criminals are not ESN Operatives or IPOB members and to prevent these criminals falling into the hands of our gallant ESN operatives, the Nigerian DSS and police had to set them up for elimination. The Nigerian Security agencies must understand that ESN are not riff raffs that can be killed by them anuhow without they the Security agencies loosing on the battle field. 

We are not surprised that the Nigeria government and her Security Agencies are feeding the public with falsehood because IPOB is their worst nightmare. The news that Police had gunned down IPOB members and recovered rockets launchers and Ak47 rifles, are all garbage are false and laughable because IPOB and ESN Operatives don't indulge in criminalities or enforce non-existing seat at home orders. Everyone should go back and listen to the video where the agents called those guys criminals.

Below are the  names of the  criminals  operating between Anambra and Imo States who are already on IPOB's most wanted list for  impersonation:

Temple aka Butuzo, Calistus Ochiagha,  Kpakpando,  Obere, Zuma, Sky, 50cent,  Oberensi, Uduego, Ojinmiri, Ifeanyi, Agama and Edge.

All the above-mentioned gang members carrying out criminal activities between Anambra and Imo States are not IPOB members nor ESN Operatives. IPOB is an upright  organisation and cannot involve in any criminalities in Biafraland or anywhere. We can't force unwilling people to support the struggle, and neither are we going to kidnap or snatch cars of the same people we are fighting to free from Nigerian bondage. 

We are waiting for the day Nigeria Government will blame IPOB and ESN for the political and economic quagmire that the clueless zombies (zoombies) in the government of Nigeria have landed them. IPOB is whiter than white and whiter than snow, so we remain resolute towards the restoration of the Independent State of Biafra. The Nigeria Government blackmail and propaganda can't change our resolve and cannot move our objective.


Biafra Heroes Remembrance Day, Sacrosanct--IPOB

 Biafra Heroes Remembrance Day, Sacrosanct--IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by the Great and Indefatigable Leader, Mazi Nnamdi KANU wish to remind Biafrans, friends of Biafra, and lovers of Biafra freedom across the world that 30th of May 2023 is sacrosanct and every Biafran must remember and honour those who died for us to live. 

We remember those who died in the Nigeria genocidal war against Biafra, the mothers and fathers bombed in the market places, hospitals, churches, and those children that the Nigeria government starved to their early death. We can not forget them till eternity. 

We also remember the victims of the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Sahara desert who died on the way to Europe in an attempt to escape the draconian and wicked economic and political policies against Biafrans by the Nigeria State. We must remember those who died in slave chains and in tortures from Slave Masters hands, those thrown over board, and those that preferred death than to be taken as slaves.  We remember them all. 

We remember our eternal leader Ikemba Nnewi Dikedioranma DIM Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu,  General Philip Efiong, Dr Frank Opigo Okon ko Ndem, Col. Achzie, Bruce Mayrock, Christian Aid workers, Biafra Aid Volunteers, and many others whose contribution during Biafra the Nigerian genocide against  Biafrans who are the reason why we are alive today.  We must remember; WE REMEMBER ALL!

We remember IPOB members who were brutally murdered during peaceful protests and rallies, those murdered in Aba, Onitsha, Asaba, Igweocha, Enugu, Nkpor,  Ebonyi in cold blood by murderous Nigeria Army at the resident of our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu KANU in 2017. We remember our Ikonso and other gallant ESN volunteers who were murdered by Nigeria State because they were defending our land against State sponsored terrorism.  We also remember His Majesty and Lolo Sally Isreal Okwu Kanu, whose lives were cut short from the shocks they received when the Nigeria Army invaded, murdered, and desecrated their Royal Palace. We must remember; WE MUST REMEMBER THEM!

This year's event will be special, and the one day sit-at-home in Biafraland will be total and will be from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM on May 30, 2023. Every economic, social, religious, and political activity in Biafraland will be suspended, with the exception of hospitals, doctors, nurses, ambulances, and other health workers. All other people and workplaces are advised to sit at home. 

Once again only hospitals and health workers are free to open and go about on May 30, 2023 (Biafra Heroes and Heroines Rememberance Day) to take care of our ones and the pregnant mothers and all other sectors including police stations should be under locks and keys within  Biafra territory. We call on industries, companies, transport companies(air, land, and sea) hotels, schools, and churches to shut down in honor of our heroes and heroines. Also, Biafrans in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria are encouraged to join the sit at home order on that day its only one day. We, therefore, advise Biafrans and other residents in Biafra territory to avoid  endangering their lives or their businesses by obeying the sit-at-home order from IPOB leadership.

Wherever our people are or gathered on that day, they must pray with lighted candles and must observe 3 minutes of silence immediately at 12 noon. Finally, the only joy and rest to appease our fallen heroes and heroines is Biafra restoration. So, "we must continue. "


Who Is Nnamdi Kanu?

  Who Is Nnamdi Kanu?

Once upon a time in the land of Nigeria, there lived a man named Nnamdi Kanu. Nnamdi was a passionate advocate for the rights and freedom of the Igbo people in the region known as Biafra. He believed deeply in their cultural heritage, their history, and their right to self-determination.

Kanu was inspired by the struggles and sacrifices of his ancestors who fought for the recognition and autonomy of the Biafran people many years ago. He saw the lingering injustice and marginalization that still plagued his people and was determined to bring about a change that would ensure their prosperity and dignity.

With unwavering conviction, Kanu embarked on a journey to awaken the spirits of the Biafran people and ignite a sense of unity and purpose. He tirelessly traveled across cities, towns, and villages, sharing his vision of a liberated Biafra. He held gatherings, organized rallies, and engaged in discussions with the aim of empowering his fellow countrymen and women to rise above their challenges.

Kanu's message resonated deeply within the hearts of the Biafran people. They were inspired by his passion, his courage, and his unwavering belief in the Biafran cause. They began to find strength in their shared identity and heritage, realizing that their unity would be the key to achieving their freedom.

As the movement grew, so did the challenges they faced. Kanu and his followers encountered obstacles and opposition from those who sought to suppress their aspirations. But they remained steadfast, undeterred by the roadblocks and even more determined to fight for their rights.

Kanu's leadership and charisma were instrumental in keeping the spirit of the Biafran people alive. He reminded them of their inherent strength, resilience, and the unbreakable bond that held them together. He instilled hope in their hearts, assuring them that their struggle was not in vain and that their dreams of a sovereign Biafra would one day come to fruition.

The journey was not without its sacrifices. Some faced hardships and adversity, while others were met with prejudice and persecution. But they persevered, drawing inspiration from the stories of their forefathers who had faced similar challenges in their quest for freedom.

Kanu and his followers believed that the fight for Biafra was not just about the land, but about the preservation of a rich heritage, the protection of future generations, and the creation of a society built on justice and equality. Their passion and determination fueled their relentless pursuit of this noble goal.

And so, the story of Nnamdi Kanu and the Biafra agitation became a tale of courage, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a people united by a common vision. Their struggle served as a beacon of hope for oppressed communities around the world, reminding them that the pursuit of freedom is a noble endeavor worthy of unwavering dedication.

As the sun sets on the land of Nigeria, the legacy of Nnamdi Kanu and the Biafra movement lives on. The flame of their aspirations burns bright, lighting the path towards a better future. Their story serves as a reminder that the fight for freedom is a journey that requires perseverance, unity, and an unwavering belief in the righteousness of their cause.

And so, the Biafran people continue their fight, carrying the torch passed down by their ancestors. They draw strength from the story of Nnamdi Kanu and the indomitable spirit of their people. With every step they take, they inch closer to the day when Biafra will rise, a testament to the power of hope, determination, and the unyielding pursuit of freedom.

Surely the sun must rise again


Article written by IfeanyiChukwu Francis,

Edited and Published by Family Writers Press International.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Nnamdi Kanu: Does Nigerian Constitution Still Guarantee The Independence Of The Judiciary?

  Nnamdi Kanu: Does Nigerian Constitution Still Guarantee The Independence Of The Judiciary?

The 13th October 2022 Appellate Court order that discharged and acquitted Mazi Nnamdi Kanu of all allegations charged against him by Nigerian government has set off widespread discussions about the rule of law in Nigeria. 

Court of Appeal, Abuja judicial division, in its erudite judgement delivered on the above mentioned date, discharged and acquitted the leader of Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB) of all the remaining 8-Count amended charges preferred against him.

“The landmark judgement of the court consequently directed for his unconditional release, and further prohibited the Federal Government of Nigeria from further detention of the IPOB leader. The Court went further to rule that Kanu should not again be presented for trial on any indictment or offence whatsoever before any court in Nigeria.” But it is entirely unfortunate that the Federal Government Of Nigeria have remorselssly violeted the orders of its own court. 

As a result, many argues that the government's refusal to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, despite the court order, is a clear violation of the rule of law and a threat to Nigeria's democracy. And, noting that the Nigerian constitution guarantees the independence of the judiciary, and the government is obligated to obey court orders as failure to do so undermines the judiciary's independence, weakens the rule of law, and ultimately leads to impunity, such arguments may not be far from the truth.,

Moreso, the continued detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu despite the court order, goes against the 'principle of presumption of innocence until proven guilty'. As it stands, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has not been found guilty of any crime, and his continued detention is a violation of his fundamental human rights.

The Nigeria government should, therefore, obey the court order and release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally. This would show the world that Nigeria is a country that respects the rule of law and the fundamental human rights of its citizens.

Indeed, Nigeria government's refusal to obey the court order that discharged and acquitted Mazi Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally of all allegations brought against him before the Nigerian Court of Appeal is a violation of the rule of law and a threat to Nigeria's democracy. The government should prove that they still guarantee the hope of the common man - the judiciary, by respect the judiciary's independence, obeying the court orders and release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally as directed. 

Written by Obulose Chidiebere

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi

For Family Writers Press International

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Biafra Heroes And Heroines Day And Why We Shall Never Forget Our Crucibles

   Biafra Heroes And Heroines Day And Why We Shall Never Forget Our Crucibles

Biafran Heroes and Heroines Remembrance as observed on the 30th May of every year, is an annual event set aside to remember and honor the countless Biafrans that lost their lives during the Genocidal war of 1967-1970 against Biafra. It is also observed in remembrance of others murdered for the same Biafra course since 1970 till date. This day is not only significant for the people of Biafra, but also for the world to recognize the atrocities that occurred during the very war and beyond.

The Biafran genocidal War was a result of the political, economic, and cultural differences that existed between the Northern, western Nigeria and the Eastern Region that is predominantly Igbo. The then government of the Old Eastern Region, led by Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu declared its independence from Nigeria and formed the Republic of Biafra on May 30 1967, to which the Yakubu Gowon headed Nigeria government responded with military action, leading to a brutal three-year civil war that claimed millions of lives, mostly civilians.

The war was marked by significant human rights violation, including the use of starvation as a weapon of war. Nigeria government imposed a blockade on the Eastern Region, preventing food, medical supplies, and other essential goods from entering the region. This led to a severe humanitarian crisis, with hundreds of thousands of people dying from starvation and preventable diseases. The international community largely ignored the suffering of the Biafran people, and allowed the atrocities to continue till date.

After the three years of brutal warfare, the Biafran forces were defeated because of the international aids that Nigeria had to their advantage, and the Republic of Biafra was reintegrated into Nigeria.

However, the end of the war did not bring an end to the suffering of the Biafran people, nor was the cause of the war redressed. Nigeria government implemented policies that discriminated against the Igbo people who were viewed as the instigators of the war. Igbo people are denied access to government positions, education, and other opportunities, all with the intention to sustain a cycle of poverty and marginalization.

The 30th May Biafran Heroes and Heroines Remembrance Day is observed since 2014, as actuated by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB). This annual observance hugely plays the role of 'a reminder of the atrocities committed during the war and the ongoing struggle for recognition and justice', because "we will never forget!“ It is a day we compel the world to reflect on the devastating impact of war on civilians and the importance of human rights. It is also a day to remember the resilience and strength of the Biafran people who endured unimaginable suffering and losses.

This day is observed through various activities, including; prayer sessions, candlelight vigils, and speeches by community leaders and activists. It is an opportunity for the Igbo people to come together to honor their fallen heroes and to recommit to the fight for justice and equality. It is also a day for the world to listen to the voices of the Biafran people and to stand in solidarity with them in their quest for recognition and justice.

Biafrans Remembrance Day is a day of mourning, reflection, and renewed commitment to the cause of justice and equality for the Igbo people. It serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed during the Nigerian Civil War and the ongoing struggle of the Igbo people for recognition and justice. The world must continually be reminded of the suffering of the Biafran people, and made to support their quest for justice and equality.

"We shall emerge triumphant from this ordeal,

And through the crucible unscathed we’ll pass;

When we are poised the wounds of battle to heal,

We shall remember those who died in mass;

Then shall our trumpets peal the glorious song

Of victory we scored o’er might and wrong."

Written by Obulose Chidiebere

Edited by Ogah C S Maduabuchi

For Family Writers Press International 

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