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Sunday 13 October 2024

Why IPOB/ESN Is Being Targeted By The Nigerian Army And Their Man-Proxy In Finland

 Why IPOB/ESN Is Being Targeted By The Nigerian Army And Their Man-Proxy In Finland

The hassle with which Nigerian Army and its cooperative conventional media(s) rush to pin on the Indigenous People Of Biafra movement and the Eastern Security Network, every crime perpetrated by Ekpa and his criminal elements in Southeast, even when Ekpa openly claims responsibility of these crimes via his official verified X handle, does not surprise any conscious fellow and we believe it should not surprise anyone either. Unless, one is ignorant of the game being played by the Nigerian government and its military. 

Over the past 3 years, Simon Ekpa have claimed to have attacked Nigerian military checkpoints in different occasions and locations across southeast and claimed responsibility of them on several intervals during his live broadcasts. 

But you know what? The Nigerian army and media have refused till date to attribute these crimes to him and his goons squarely. Instead they continued to pin them on IPOB/ESN. Irrespective of how IPOB and other independent, investigative sources on the ground such as reports from the human rights organizations , Intersociety group has evidently established that IPOB/ESN has no hands in the insecurity or attacks on the Nigeria military formations in the South-East. 

It is popularly said that to kill an innocent dog, it must be given a bad name to justify its slaughter. This is what both Ekpa and his Nigerian sponsors are doing. The Nigerian government have tried in so many ways to present IPOB as a violent movement before the international community but it has failed precipitously over and over again. 

They could not match IPOB versatility and outreach in the international community. IPOB has continued explain to the global audience with empirical evidence about her non violence status, approach and dispositions towards Biafra self-determination quest and goal. 

Before the Nigerian government arrives at any international office, country as the case maybe, to submit these blackmailing reports against IPOB or to induce benign officials there to mainstream their spurious narratives, IPOB would have already submitted a comprehensive unbiased report of the corrupt activities, crimes and lies of Nigerian government to these offices, and further poising them to go on to conduct their own investigations via their own assets on the ground, if any. 

Obviously, Nigeria have bribed and bought over few officials of some reputable international organizations to help them in their campaign of designating IPOB as a violent organization globally but it all ended up without any headway being made as their was no viable pretext or grounds for such, even under the laws of these respective countries or international law. 

We must recall the National Institute For Peace In USA, and Tony Blair Institute whom  passively highlighted or rather aimed at projecting IPOB as a violent movement in 2022 and this was inputed in the annual global terrorism index which the contributed to. This was the handiwork of the Nigerian government and of course certain elements within the US and United Kingdom governments. 

Though, they retracted their claims after they could not prove with concrete evidence that IPOB was guilty as charged, judging from their own biased reports. IPOB on the other hand threatened legal actions if they fail to recluse IPOB from the global terrorism list. 

They have tried everything and exhausted their plans to break the IPOB global family,  her finances, her illegal incarcerated Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, or even lure the ESN tasked to confront Fulani terrorists in Biafraland into an unprepared war with the Nigerian armed forces, but to no avail. 

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has made a mess of the Nigerian government even in their own courts, the IPOB family survived the storm and is waxing strong globally. The ESN as seen and acknowledged by all and sundry – including those in the military circles – continues to enhance its tactical capabilities even amidst provocations to lure or distract them from their primary assignment of wading off Fulani terrorists from Biafra forests or bushes. 

So the only viable card left to hold on to, is by keeping the agent provocateur alive and kicking as he would serve as the odds to apparently keep IPOB on their toes and on the defensive, while he wrecks havoc that would compel the members of the Biafran public to develop animosity towards the Biafra struggle due to the criminality and violence it has seemingly brought on them. 

Besides, should IPOB succeed in achieving Biafra restoration sooner or later, there will always be a need for the imperialists or enemy close neighbors to sponsor a 'pseudo opposition', that would oppose the Biafra Republic and its eventual leadership. This is why Mr Ekpa is untouchable and even the Finnish Government who arrested him in early 2023 for serious crimes bordering fraud etc, all of a sudden stood down and his casefile was closed indefinitely till this moment. 

So anytime you see Nigerian Army making accusations in their press statement against IPOB/ESN, be assured that Ekpa and his goons have carried out another scripted operation to keep the propaganda and blackmail momentum level high and afloat. 

To set the record straight, this latest attack on soldiers in Mbanọ is a false flag operation to blackmail IPOB as usual. In as much as IPOB and the entire Igbo nation opposes the sinister plot of importing refugees from the north to the East. The violence in Ehime Mbanọ is a false flag operation to blackmail IPOB and to keep the insecurity in Imo state, spiking and escalating. IPOB did not claim responsibility for the burning of the site chosen to host these northern refugees nor the house of Senator Ibezim. Mr Ekpa did and he is not an IPOB member or of ESN. 

Had these structures not being torched. The result would still be the same, there would be no refugees camp in the South-East. The people in cooperation with IPOB would have made sure of it. And the ongoing ensuing violence, military bombardment and ransacking in Ehime Mbanọ would not be in the picture as has sadly obtained now. 

The ultimate aim is to set IPOB against the people or as being responsible for the violence just as obtained in the Aba 30th May Biafra Fallen heroes remembrance day incident. To breach the trust, adherence and listenership Biafrans have for the directives of the IPOB movement. Knowing fully well that they would not betray nor jeopardize their interests and overall well-being. 

Thus, we will continue to debunk and expose their lies, and educate our people to know and understand who is their enemies and how they operate to make our region unsafe for us and why their must be a concerted effort to resist and wade off their machinations against us as a people.

Family Writers Press Internat

Friday 11 October 2024

Vindictive Circus: The Untold Power Tussle Between Justice Binta Nyako And Chief Judge Tsoho

 Vindictive Circus: The Untold Power Tussle Between Justice Binta Nyako And Chief Judge Tsoho 

It is already public knowledge that after the willful recusal of justice Binta Nyako from the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu - the leader of IPOB on 24th September 2024 and subsequent revert of the casefile to the Chief Judge office, the Nigerian Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, John Terhemba Tsoho has reassigned the case to her office with the reason that too many judges has been recused from the case and Mrs Nyako has become the most 'experienced Judge' with regards to her familiarity and precedence over the case for a very long period of time. 

This is obviously a breach to the interest of both Mrs/Justice Nyako and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, who came to the final realization and understanding that their path and fate in the years-long legal altercation has come to conclusive or rather subjective end and both parties must move on, and let the other seek remedy and peace from some other sources. 

From all indications, it is safe to say that Mrs Nyako would be the most elated person on earth after the event turnout of September 24th 2024. The recusal plea of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was a mere formality to actualize her dream and aspirations to hands off the case that has placed her in a very dicey political tussle between a conflicting state actor vs semi-state actor. Where her career, family and their well-being were placed as factors of immense consideration while she discharged her "lady justice" duties. The corruption case of her son and husband became her Achilles' heel, as she is forced to do the bidding of the Federal government in return for their assured safety and protection from exposure and merciless prosecution. 

Nevertheless, this seemingly joyous momentous relief for Mrs Nyako was cut short, as the federal government through the medium of the Federal High Court Cheif Judge - her direct superior - returned the case file to her desk. The Federal government appears to have no other strategy to apply with the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the IPOB movement under his leadership other than to blackmail their way out. Sadly yet laughably so. 

Suffice to say, that there exists an internal rift between Mrs Nyako and Mr Tsoho which has also been ascertained of playing a significant role in this vindictiveness and insistence of the federal government against Mrs Nyako to continue manning, and stemming the tide in the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the Nigerian government. 

The story goes way back from 2016 when Mr Tsoho was transferred from the Lagos Federal high Court division to the Abuja division. Family Writers Press International learnt. 

His transfer in Federal high Court field of the FCT, Abuja was designed by the former president, Muhammadu Buhari and its sole aim was to facilitate the speedy conviction of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu whom had been arrested in Lagos the previous year (2015) and whom had been subsequently cleared of any guilt and discharged by Justice Ademola, a resolution the Nigerian state secret police, Department of States Services, at the behest of executive orders from the president refused to comply with. 

Our source revealed that Justice Tsoho in exchange for his emergency uprooting from his juicy position in Lagos, where he enjoyed in luxury vied and struck a deal with the Attorney General of the Buhari's administration, Abubuakar Malami for the position of the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court Abuja as a compensation for the tedious task in question - to ensure Nnamdi Kanu is officially and legally put behind bars. And this was irrespective of his lower ranking to his superior, Mrs Nyako who was already in the bench and expectedly was to become the next Chief Judge of the Federal High Court. 

Mrs Binta Nyako reportedly protested against the move as that was against protocol, yet to no avail. Coupled with the fact her promotion to the Supreme Court of appeal has been withheld a number of times. In addition, with regards to the corruption case of her husband and son, her possible transfer to her home state - Adamawa State - to become the state Chief Judge was foiled and resisted with a plethora of signed petitions. 

Eventually, after the death of Justice Kafarati who was responsible for the proscription and outlawing of IPOB in Nigeria and gave the Nigeria military the leverage to move on with their extrajudicial crackdown against unarmed civilians and agitators of the IPOB movement. John Tsoho was elevated to become Chief Judge of the Federal High Court against the very orderly protocol set by the Nigerian judiciary system which would have rightfully placed Binta Nyako at the successor's position.

This bitterness and vindictiveness against Mrs Nyako by the powers that be, turned her into a mere vassal or rather an unconscious lackey. This explains why she honorably concurred with the recusal request of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and why the case was immediately reverted back to her. 

Justice Binta Nyako is not only being blackmailed by the Nigerian government with the unruly records of her family members but has also become a hostage in the hands of the state. The swift reversion of the case to her desk can be deduced to be a subtle threat behind the scene by the government to compel her to fall in line or face further consequences. 

This also explains why since after September 24th 2024, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been kept out of reach from the outside world including his legal representatives. The government is doing everything possible to inflict punishment for the embarrassment which they received as a result of the events of that day. 

It must be stated that not only has Mrs Nyako's family been marked for total destruction, but also her career has been set up a sacrificial lamb for the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Whether the federal government succeeds or not does not really matter. An expendable has been selected to take the fall and all attempts made by the selected to save themselves will be fiercely resisted. 

How the case will go from here is left to be seen. What we do know is that the IPOB movement has declined interest and confidence in the Nigerian judiciary system and events like this are self-evident enough to explain why such position is needed. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will not get justice from a judiciary manipulated at will and seamlessly by the federal government and the manipulating signatures can be brazenly seen. The Biafra case for self-determination including the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will be resolved via a political solution. This is a reality all and sundry must get acquainted with. 

Family Writers Press International.

Saturday 5 October 2024

IPOB Struggle For Self-Determination Would Have Crumbled If It Was Money-Centered

 IPOB Struggle For Self-Determination Would Have Crumbled If It Was Money-Centered

Recently, the Nigerian Chief Of Defense Staff, General Christopher Musa in an interview with one of Nigeria's TV station (TVC News) opined that the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB) Movement and her struggle for self-détermination and independent state of Biafra from Nigeria is parochial and money driven, has nothing to do with agitation against marginalization. But of course, this is obviously a clear display of an ignorance borne out of incompetence, or it's a deliberate derogation of an Indigenous people's noble quest. 

In Mr Christopher very own words; "They (IPOB) are doing for their own selves, a lot of them are doing it for the money they are making. They are not fighting for any region, they are fighting for themselves." 

It is imperative to buttress that the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB) movement is non-violent. And as such obtains the funds  for her activities via peaceful means; more precisely, via crowdfunding by active members of the movement all over the world and supporters who deem it important to support the struggle for emancipation against the marginalization being meted against Ndigbo(Biafrans). This has been true for IPOB since inception in 2012. 

IPOB adopted the crowdfunding technique of Dee Sam Mbakwe, the late former governor of Imo State whose efforts gave birth to the first International airport in the South-East after the Biafra genocidal war of 1967-70. 

After 1970, the Federal Government of Nigeria refused to commit to any developmental, infrastructural project in the region they bombed into oblivion for 30 months. Thus, the governor at his time passionately implored every household, community, indigene and clan not only in Imo State but across South East to generously crowdfund the construction of the airport in the state from ground zero till its final completion. Making it arguably the only project of such magnitude and calibre in the world, to become a reality under such community-based circumstances. 

The freedom movement adopted this method since her methodology to Biafra restoration is intentionally inspired to avoid a repetition of belligerence over the Biafra quest, as much as possible. Thus, under such circumstances the movement cannot tax the people to fund struggle for Biafra self-détermination quest. 

Secondly, such restraint of non-violence approach to agitation hinders the IPOB movement from getting distracted unto exerting control over natural resources obtained abundantly in Biafraland, which would undoubtedly provoke an inflow of more Nigerian armed forces into the peaceful region, and could undermine the position of IPOB as a non-violent group. And, had that been the case, logic dictates that IPOB under such situation would be compelled to engage the militarily and other Nigerian armed forces in defense of their lots and position on those natural resources. But that never served as the Movement's source of income and funds generation. Yet the movement has kept alive and and hardly kicking. 

So, on this premises, IPOB choose to crowdfund her way out of oppression, having learnt from the outstanding precedence set by Dee Sam Mbakwe. Though, the intensity of the projects in question when juxtaposed are incomparable and humongous. Nevertheless, for IPOB, it has to be done, and there is no other way. Infact, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the IPOB movement who is still currently being incarcerated in Nigeria popularly maintained before his abduction that only the IPOB global family will fund the movement for Biafra restoration until its achievement. 

And, the IPOB Leadership has disciplined themself to stay on this course, amidst pressing challenges which arose after the IPOB Leader was abducted and extraordinarily renditioned from Kenya in 2021. Events which led to the confiscation, grounding of the IPOB international account in Germany, which in it housed generous contributions from members of the global IPOB family. 

It must be acknowledged that after the extraordinary rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, many elements sprung up and tried to inject, hijack, divert the IPOB-Biafra struggle into a money-making venture. Some of whom went as far as using insecurity to indirectly tax unsuspecting members of the people, kidnapping, looting and siezing properties of the people. The IPOB leadership decried certain elements using its name unbeknownst to them to go solicit for funds from political figures in various levels in Nigeria and they (IPOB Leadership) constantly denounced such, maintaining that the IPOB movement does not operate in such manner. 

All of which ongoing is said to have been a covert operation, an orchestration sponsored by the Nigerian government, its security and intelligence agencies to either compel IPOB into making hard decisions and compromising on her modus operandi in terms of financial sustenance or/and to dispel and discourage contributors all over the world in the IPOB family to discontinue their inputs, thus leading to the collapse of the movement. There was also a plan to turn the people in the homeland against the leadership of IPOB movement as a consequence of the impersonation, criminality which its perpetrators hides under the name of IPOB or Biafra agitation to commit against the people.

Though all these have failed, as non of the objectives were attained to any reasonable or substantial extent, the orchestrators are not stopping. And, this explains the recent commentaries of the Nigerian Defence Cheif. The agenda is still much alive. The IPOB movement survived the financial sabotage at its heart since 2021 because its contingency plan - the IPOB global family - did not falter and abandoned the struggle and movement, even when there were pseudo, man-made or rather enemies' covertly sponsored reasons to do so. 

Now, the Nigerian Defence Cheif (CDS) is out to resurrect and project this agenda, showing that the government is far from seeking detente with the IPOB movement or the Biafra quest for self-détermination, contrary to the rhetorics of few uniformed fellows who thinks or believes they have been assured of a negotiated conclusive end in favor of all. 

The only thing hindering the agenda of demonizing IPOB in the eyes of the people is the institutionalized hate and phobia against the people of Eastern Nigeria - Ndigbo/Biafrans. The Nigerian government institutions, including its armed forces cannot help this as it is congenital, but continues to pursue the goal of destroying IPOB which is widely viewed by the people as a dome of defense and an output medium to mainstream their plight to the global community. This is why the agenda is failing and cannot hold. 

The IPOB movement has undergone through very stiff challenges but has stayed true to its conviction and principles. It has refused to be compelled to change course. And even when planted elements from the within attempted to become willing tools, they were expelled immediately. Such discipline and passion is a precedence that is feared and is clear for targeting in the eyes of the powers that be. 

Therefore, it is worth noting that the IPOB struggle for self-determination would have crumbled if it was money-centered, as claimed by Nigerian Chief Of Defense Staff. 

But rather, the struggle for Biafra restoration is divine and ordained. It is the only hope and contingency for the people of East. This is why the people - whom by the way, funds it - will never abandon nor repel it, no matter the attempts or orchestrations of the government. So, it is time for the opposing parties to come to this indisputable reality and take the necessary steps.

A referendum is not a death sentence. It is a voting process to resolve a political solution through a popular will of the people. Use it! 

Family Writers Press International

Sunday 29 September 2024

Kanu's Wife Faults Agenda To Relocate Northern IDPs To East, Says It Alters The Demography And Security Of Indigenes

  Kanu's Wife Faults Agenda To Relocate Northern IDPs To East, Says It Alters The Demography And Security Of Indigenes 

Lolo Uchechi Okwu-Kanu

Lolo Uchechi Okwu-Kanu, wife to the incarcerated Leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra movement, has condemned the collaborative plans between the federal government and elements of Imo State political juggernauts primarily the governor,  to relocate internally displaced people (IDPs) from the northern region to Nsu, ehime mbano Okigwe, Imo State under an alleged rehabilitation program for these refugees whom were displaced by terrorism that has bedeviled the north for over a decade.

Lolo Uchechi stated that while it is a plausible humanitarian initiative, there are other factors which should be put into serious consideration which according to her was not factored by those who agreed to the deal and are already in the conclusive inspecting stage of the site for the said program. 

"Dear conscious ladies and gentlemen.

Providing a camping site or home for Refugees/Internally Displaced People or Persons as the case may be is a humanitarian aid." 

"It is an act of #SelfPreservation. But have you heard of #Alterate-#SelfPreservation? 

"The conscious people of Nsu in Ehime Mbanọ must refuse this unbridled and unchecked process by @Hope_Uzodimma1 as this could be a Trojan Horse due to the long standing incongruity between us and the Fulanis. And the fact that it is unchecked and unbridled begs for scrutiny", she argued. 

Stating that taking to account the Fulanisation agenda through terrorism which has been projected by the Fulanis using state machineries and the subsequent resistance by the east through the IPOB movement and the ESN,  this planned rehab program could be an advanced infiltration scheme which would be exploited as time goes on, at the detriment of the security of the Indigenous populations of the East. 

Moreso, she questioned why the site chosen for the rehab program is a tertiary institution built for studies contrary to the principles and standards of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), arguing why suitable places and installations in the north and other parts of the country lying moribund were not chosen for the program.  

"During my Master Degree level, I did mapping and scenario simulations under a Disaster Recovery Module which the UNHCR uses." 

"There are considerable factors when mapping a displacement site for IDPs as it's temporary.  Following the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency process flow maps." 

"But the problem with #Africans and #Nigerians especially, is that they copy everything for show off purposes with no innate desire for understanding." 

"These displacement sites are usually built and run by governments, @UN agencies or international organizations and NGOs, but there could also be spontaneous sites but never a SCHOOL BUILDING where students are receiving studies for crying out loud." 

"The commissioner said they went round the building and it is ok for what they intend to do. Therefore, the vulnerable persons will share the laboratories with the University students? My goodness me, Make it make sense please." 

The National Commissioner for Refugee, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons did not see the abandoned factory site near the government's reserved centers if you are headed to Kaduna through the road that leads to Jos from Nasarrawa? The only place they found is the NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY in Nsu Imo State.

What happens to Kano?

What is wrong with Abuja?

He said the government is making efforts to begin training of this vulnerable people in acquiring skills to reduce unemployment." 

"What is Nigeria's attainment statistics amongst other countries in creating employment for her citizens? She asked.

"On the long standing incongruity between the Igbos and the Fulanis, the hatred they hold for Ndigbo (Igbo people). You needed to map that first, the safety of the (host)  residents must come first. It is the number one factor to consider when mapping a displacement site. And must also consider the affected communities.

Is Imo State not already in turmoil as insecurity festers?" 

She surmised that not only is this initiative unsustainable in the sense that the facility in question is built specifically for tertiary education and as such not suitable for the program but also the security, demography of the people and region will be threatened in the long-term. Hence, these displaced persons should be hosted and rehabilitated in some other parts of the country. 

"You are disrupting the tutoring and academic continuity of the students and their environment. You are demographically altering our place.

The people you are bringing do not need the university lecture room (it is a tertiary level) for their acquisition skill program."

"These displaced persons should be taken to the other parts of the country."

Family Writers Press International

Sunday 22 September 2024

Ethnic Profiling in Nigeria: The Igbo Struggle for Survival Amid Targeted Harassment

 Ethnic Profiling in Nigeria: The Igbo Struggle for Survival Amid Targeted Harassment

One of the most pressing issues facing Nigeria today is the persistent ethnic profiling and targeted persecution of the Igbo people. The Igbo, one of Nigeria’s major ethnic groups, are widely known for their entrepreneurial spirit and resilience, but they have also been victims of deep-seated animosity and discrimination within the country. Ethnic profiling against Igbos has become increasingly visible in the years following Nigeria’s civil war and has escalated to a point where many Ndigbo(Igbo People) have come to question their place in the Nigerian state. These experiences of harassment and marginalization are central to the ongoing call for the restoration of Biafra, the Igbo homeland.

While proponents of a unified Nigeria might dismiss the demands for Biafra as mere political posturing, a closer look at the everyday lives of the average Igbo reveals a pattern of institutionalized ethnic profiling and systemic injustice. It is no longer a question of political disagreements or regional tensions; the Igbo struggle is now rooted in their fight for survival in a nation that seems to see them as outsiders.

Igbo youths have been among the most visible targets of ethnic profiling. In several instances across the country, they have been rounded up by security forces, accused of being agitators or criminals based on nothing more than their ethnicity. The Nigerian government's treatment of young Igbos, particularly those with ties to freedom fighting movements like the Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB) has become synonymous with blanket repression and collective punishment.

For example, during periods of political unrest or when there are protests demanding the release of IPOB leader Nnamdi Kanu, Igbo youths are often arbitrarily detained and massacred, many of them not even involved in the protests.

Simply being a young Igbo man in certain regions of the country automatically places you under suspicion. This has led to widespread fear among the Igbo, with many parents warning their children to avoid certain public spaces or political gatherings to avoid being falsely labeled as insurgents or agitators.

In many instances, these youths are detained without trial, with no charges brought against them. Their detentions, which sometimes last months or even years, highlight the degree to which ethnic profiling has become a weapon used to suppress the Igbo people. The message from the state seems to be clear: any show of Igbo pride or solidarity will be met with suspicion and force.

The economic success of the Igbo people has been both a blessing and a curse. Igbos are renowned for their entrepreneurial acumen, dominating trade, industry, and commerce in various parts of the country and world at large. However, this success has often made them targets for harassment by government officials and regulatory bodies. From Lagos to Abuja, Igbo traders and businesspeople are regularly subjected to excessive taxation, unnecessary delays in clearing goods, and trumped-up charges of smuggling or trading substandard products.

In many cases, the harassment appears to be motivated not by genuine concerns over business practices but by ethnic prejudice. It is not uncommon to hear stories of Igbo traders being raided by customs officers or local authorities under the guise of enforcing regulations, only to discover that their goods were perfectly legal. Yet, even after proving their innocence, these traders often face lengthy legal battles or lose significant income due to the disruption of their businesses.

The 2020 case of Igbo traders in Lagos who were accused of importing substandard goods is a prime example. Despite meeting all regulatory requirements, they were detained, and their goods seized without cause. It was only after a public outcry and the intervention of advocacy groups that the authorities were forced to release them, but the damage had already been done. This kind of economic sabotage serves as a clear indication that ethnic profiling extends beyond law enforcement into other sectors of society, with devastating effects on the livelihoods of innocent people.

Another disturbing example of ethnic profiling comes in the form of the frequent targeting of Igbos at police and military checkpoints. While checkpoints are meant to ensure the safety and security of all Nigerians, they have become hotspots for ethnic discrimination, particularly against Igbos. Reports of harassment, unlawful searches, and demands for bribes are common, with many Igbo travelers reporting that they are singled out more often than individuals from other ethnic groups.

The experience of being stopped at a checkpoint can be humiliating and frustrating for many Igbo people. It often begins with excessive questioning, followed by invasive searches of personal belongings, vehicles, and sometimes even homes. For Igbo men and women, the mere fact of traveling through regions outside their home states can turn into a traumatic ordeal. A trip meant to last a few hours can extend to days of detention if a suspicious security officer decides to single them out.

In the northern and western parts of Nigeria, Igbos are especially vulnerable to this kind of profiling. Travelers are often detained on flimsy grounds, such as possessing Biafran flags or other symbols of Igbo identity. In such instances, the assumption is that anyone who associates with the Biafran cause must be guilty of sedition or insurrection, regardless of whether they have broken any laws. The entire Igbo identity, then, is reduced to one of rebellion and disloyalty to Nigeria.

The ethnic profiling of Ndi Igbo is not limited to social or economic spheres; it also extends to the political realm. For decades, the Igbo people have been systematically marginalized from the highest levels of power in Nigeria. While other ethnic groups have dominated the presidency, the vice presidency, and other key government positions, Igbo People have been left out of the country’s political decision-making process.

This marginalization has fueled the belief that the Igbo people are unwanted in Nigeria. In the political landscape, their loyalty is often questioned, and their interests sidelined. The lack of Igbo representation in national politics is not due to a lack of qualified candidates but rather a deliberate exclusion that stems from the post-civil war distrust of the Igbo people.

During the 2019 elections, for example, several reports emerged of Igbo voters being harassed and prevented from voting in parts of Lagos. In some cases, thugs were hired to intimidate Igbo residents and discourage them from participating in the election. This form of voter suppression was rooted in the belief that Igbo voters would not support the ruling party and therefore had to be excluded from the process. Such incidents highlight how deeply entrenched ethnic bias is in Nigeria’s political system.

The way Igbo people are portrayed in the media further exacerbates the problem of ethnic profiling. Negative stereotypes of the Igbo people as rebels, agitators, or troublemakers are regularly reinforced by the Nigerian media. Whenever there is a crime, riot, or unrest involving an Igbo person, their ethnicity is often highlighted, as if being Igbo inherently makes one prone to lawlessness.

This contrasts sharply with how individuals from other ethnic groups are portrayed in the media, where their ethnicity is rarely mentioned unless it serves a positive narrative. For Ndi Igbo, the media's negative portrayal serves to legitimize the discriminatory treatment they receive from the state and from society at large. It reinforces the idea that Igbos are not loyal Nigerians and that their demands for equal rights or political representation are illegitimate.

This portrayal is particularly harmful to young Igbos who are growing up in a country that seems to view them with suspicion and hostility. It plants the seed of resentment and alienation, contributing to a cycle of distrust between the Igbo people and the Nigerian state.

The ethnic profiling of Igbos is not just an isolated problem; it is a symptom of a deeper, systemic issue that has plagued Nigeria since its creation. The marginalization, harassment, and persecution of the Igbo people have led many within the community to conclude that their future cannot be secured within the Nigerian state. This sentiment is what drives the continued agitation for the restoration of Biafra.

For Ndi Igbo, the idea of an independent Biafra is not just about self-determination or cultural pride. It is about survival. They see the current Nigerian state as one that cannot protect their interests, provide them with opportunities for political representation, or allow them to thrive without discrimination. The constant targeting of Igbos by security forces, the media, and the political establishments has led to a growing sense of alienation and frustration. The Biafran movement, therefore, is seen as a response to these injustices, a way to carve out a space where Ndi Igbo can live in peace and dignity, free from ethnic profiling and persecution.

While some Nigerians may view the call for Biafra as a threat to national unity, for NdiIgbo, it represents hope. Hope for a future where they are not constantly under suspicion, where they can express their identity without fear of reprisal, and where they can build a prosperous and inclusive society. The demand for Biafra is rooted in the lived experiences of generations of Igbo people who have been treated as second-class citizens in their so called country.

Ethnic profiling against Ndi Igbo in Nigeria is not just a legal or political issue—it is a fundamental human rights violation that affects every aspect of life for the Igbo people. From arbitrary arrests to economic harassment, from political exclusion to media stereotyping, Ndi Igbo are routinely subjected to discrimination based on their ethnicity.   

As long as the ethnic profiling continues, the call for Biafra Nation will continue to rise. 

Family Writers Press International.

Friday 20 September 2024

Uchechi Okwu-Kanu Ramps Up Pressure Over UK Govt's Adamance In Husband's Ordeal

Uchechi Okwu-Kanu Ramps Up Pressure Over UK Govt's Adamance In Husband's Ordeal

Wife to the incarcerated Leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, Uchechi Okwu-Kanu has employed the founder of the Widows for Peace through Democracy [WPD] Margaret Owen, who is renowned for her participation in the momentum build-up that led to the intervention of UK government in the case of an British-Iranian national, Nazanine Ratcliffe in 2022. After she was arrested and prosecuted by the Iranian authorities on espionage charges for 6 years. 

Mrs Owen in a post made on her verified Facebook page, officially confirmed the assumption of the case after the former attorney in charge of the case, Jonathan Cooper died in autumn 2021 shortly after the extraordinary rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and subsequent prosecution/incarceration. 

In the statement issued by Mrs Owen, she lamented the adamance and negligence of the United Kingdom in the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, likening his case with that of the aforementioned Nazanine Ratcliffe. Accusing the Foreign company Commonwealth Development Office United Kingdom(FCDOUK) of abandoning a health-deteriorating British citizen in captivity, his traumatized wife and two sons. 

"On my mind the deeply distressing plight of 56 year-old British citizen Nnamdi Okwu-Kanu , the IPOB ( Indigenous People of Biafra) leader, who in 2021 was a victim of extraordinary rendition from Kenya by the Nigerian authorities.  His unlawful unjust incarceration is causing extreme distress to his wife Uche, and his two young sons.  They are all British citizens living here, but so far the UK government is doing nothing to obtain his release and have him returned to this country where he has his home." 

"Blindfolded, he was tortured for 8 days with grave consequences to his health and is now detained in the Abuja prison, denied urgently needed medicines and cardiac surgery,"  she narrates.

She revealed that the late Jonathan Cooper  brought the plight of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to her knowledge, while he was still around.  Unfortunately, he passed before he could pursue the case until its logical conclusion. 

Hence, she has resolved to  "complete the mission" urging the British public to conduct simple research on the internet about Nnamdi Kanu's fight for freedom and to write their Members Of Parliament (MPs) representing their various constituencies to intervene in the case of Nnamdi Kanu being perpetually incarcerated in Nigeria. 

She argued that Nnamdi Kanu is pursuing a case of self-détermination for his people adding that Amnesty International has been reached out to classify Mazi Nnamdi Kanu as a "Prisoner of Conscience" to facilitate, accelerate the process of the intervention by the UK government. 

"Kanu argued for self-détermination for Biafrans, for freedom of his people, and for peace. A call has gone out to Amnesty International to adopt him as a « Prisoner of Conscience », as this would strengthen our appeal to our new Labour government, now headed by human rights lawyers, Starmer, Lammy and Kermer."

Recall that after the Supreme Appellate Court Judgment of 13th October 2022, ordering the unconditional release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Amnesty International  Nigeria, in line with the yet-to-be-implemented court ruling, issued a statement calling for Nnamdi Kanu's release.

Mrs Owen surmised that if the UK government does not intervene in the case of Mr Kanu, she would have no choice but to employ same strategy which was mass-used in the demand of Nazanine this forthcoming winter: pitching tents outside the FCDO office and commencing an unending hunger strike. 

Owen believes this would force the UK government to intervene in the case of Mr Kanu whom from all indications no longer has much time as he faces grave heart complications which requires immediate medical attention unlike Nazanine who spent 6 years before her release. 

"Nnamdi Kanu has not got such time, given the serious state of his heart, and other problems resulting from the torture." 

According to her, the hunger strike is part of a strategy package which Richard Ratcliffe spouse to Nazanine advised would be effective in the bid to ensure a timely intervention of the British government. And as such would be adopted if no meaningful progress is seen. 

Family Writers Press International.

Recuse Yourself From Kanu's Case Of Extraordinary Rendition, Wife Tells Justice Binta Nyako As D-day Approaches

 Recuse Yourself From Kanu's Case Of Extraordinary Rendition, Wife Tells Justice Binta Nyako As D-day Approaches

Uchechi Okwu-Kanu

Uchechi Okwu-Kanu, wife to the incarcerated Leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has called on the presiding judge at the federal high Court Abuja, Justice Binta Nyako to recuse herself from the case, saying that the later appears to have been muzzled into complying with the agenda of the successive executive arm of government whom was responsible for the kidnap and extraordinary rendition of her husband from Kenya and his subsequent or rather continued incarceration at the DSS headquarters Abuja. 

In a reminder tweet made on her verified X social handle (@Okwu-Kanu) anticipating the upcoming court sitting to be held on 24th September 2024, Mrs Kanu recounted the centuries-long historic injustices which has been meted on the Igbo race and black Africans at large. Positing that the currrent struggle for emancipation of the dark continent - which her husband, Nnamdi Kanu is one of its proponents - is spurred and inspired by the reincarnated older generations whom are back to continue the fight against oppression from where they stopped in their past lives. 

She questioned why Africans, as naturally obtained with every warm blooded mammal are yet to activate their self preservation instincts even though they are faced with multiple existential threats aimed at completely destroying their lives and future of the next generation. She called on Africans to collectively commence the process of activating their self preservation instincts. 

In the same vein, she called on Ndigbo whom are faced with existential threats of collective survival to activate their lifesaving self preservation instincts and in her view, the first off step in that regard would be for they [Ndigbo] to collectively work and ensure that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who is being incarcerated by the federal government for seeking self determination of Ndigbo through a United Nations supervised referendum after years of marginalization, is rescued from captivity and plans of perpetually persecution. 

Furthermore, she called on the Governor of Imo State, Hope Uzodimma to withdraw his ulterior dealings and orchestrations against the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, her husband. Buttressing that she is in knowledge of his vindictive attitudes and asked him to contemplate about the future and do noble by withdrawing his machinations.

Finally, she assured that no matter how far lies travels, the truth shall triumph and the righteous shall be vindicated. 

Her Statement In Full: 

Our generation, the next generation and our descendants are the reason we are pushing.

Our ancestors have returned and are asking questions!!! 

They want to know the reason Igbos are treated differently. 

They want to know why the Igbos cannot switch on their self-preservation instinct. 

The basic human and animal instinct to protect themselves from any form of harm. 

Ndi Igbo, we must activate our self preservation instincts to protect our race.

Start by actively requesting the release of your own #NnamdiKanu. 

#Africans at large, activate your self preservation instincts and skills. 

#NnamdiKanu's next court date is on the 24th of September, 2024. Our voices should be loud for: 

1). Justice Binta Nyako to recuse herself from continuing to hear #MNK's extraordinary rendition case. 

2). To ask governor Hope Ụzọdinma of Imo State to "remove the monkey's hand from the soup pot, before it becomes the hand of a human being. Nobody sits on power forever.

I have never called your name but you must know that "swift walking legs are seen by rapid moving eyes".

And "no matter how fast you run, you can never run away from your backside".

"Gburugburu k'ana agba ukwuu ose, anaghị ari ya elu".

Family Writers Press International

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