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Thursday 15 August 2024

Persistence Amidst Challenges: The Insurmountable And Formidable Spirit of IPOB

  Persistence Amidst Challenges: The Insurmountable And Formidable Spirit of IPOB

The Nigerian government has been working nonstop to weaken and discredit the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), but they have persevered while growing in power and influence. IPOB has come a long way from her modest beginnings, showcasing perseverance in the face of multiple adversity and unflinching dedication to purpose. The movement’s resilience in the face of official criticism and attempts to damage her reputation says a lot about her foundational commitment and honesty.

For many people, IPOB has represented resistance and hope since her founding. Under Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s direction, the movement has maintained an unwavering commitment to non-violence and self-determination. She has thrived both locally and internationally in spite of the many obstacles it has encountered, such as the absence of her leader owing to Nigeria government’s abduction, extraordinary rendition and protracted torture. This impressive expansion demonstrates the movement’s capacity to mobilize supporters and uphold essential principles in the face of obstacles – manufactured and/or real.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s statement that IPOB is “whiter than snow” demonstrates the movement’s dedication to openness, morality, and decency. This metaphor emphasizes the movement’s attempts to project an image of purity and innocence despite harsh criticism and unfounded allegations. IPOB stands distinct from many other groups under comparable constraints because of her restraint and unwillingness to participate in violent acts. A testament to ideological dedication.

The Nigerian government has employed various tactics in their futile attempts to discredit and dismantle IPOB. One of the most persistent strategies has been to falsely associate the Biafra Restoration Project with criminal activities. Despite numerous allegations, no member of the movement has ever been convicted of a crime, a testament to the movement’s commitment to lawful conduct.

For instance, on multiple occasions, the Nigerian government claimed to have jammed Radio Biafra, IPOB’s primary medium for disseminating information and rallying support. On October 16, 2017, the Nigerian government announced that it had successfully jammed Radio Biafra’s broadcasts. Despite this claim, Radio Biafra continued to operate, highlighting the government’s failure to suppress the movement’s voice. Similarly, on February 22, 2018, the government again declared that it had disrupted the radio station’s transmissions. Yet, Radio Biafra remained accessible to its global audience, defying the government’s efforts to silence it.

These attempts to jam Radio Biafra not only failed but also underscored the movement’s resilience. Despite spending substantial resources—estimated in the billions of dollars—to disrupt the radio station, the Nigerian government was unable to achieve its objective. This failure illustrates the strength and effectiveness of IPOB’s communication network and her ability to circumvent government efforts to stifle important messages from reaching esteemed audience.

The Nigerian government has also been known to attribute crimes committed by various miscreants in the Southeast region to IPOB, often without evidence. These allegations are part of a broader strategy to paint the movement as a violent and disruptive force, thereby justifying harsher measures against the members. However, these claims have consistently proven to be unfounded.

For example, in the wake of sporadic violence in the Southeast, the government and media outlets frequently attribute such incidents to IPOB, despite the lack of credible evidence linking the movement to these acts. This pattern of baseless accusations aims to tarnish the movement’s reputation and diminish her support base. Yet, the unalloyed adherence to the principles of non-violence and self-determination remains clear, and no substantial proof has emerged to substantiate the government’s claims.

At the core of movement’s resilience is the existence of truth and integrity engraved in her sturdy foundation. The movement operates within a framework of ethical principles and holds firm to an immutable belief in justice and righteousness. This commitment is reflected in the way she addresses false accusations and continues to advocate for the self-determination cause through peaceful means.

The movement’s activities and leadership are guided by the principles of truthfulness and respect for human rights. A refusal to engage in and total rejection of violence, despite provocations and severe repression, is representative of dedication to planned goals. This adherence to truth and non-violence is central to IPOB’s identity and has been a key factor in endurance and growth, even in the face of adversity.

The movement's adherence to the founding principles and the upward curve in growth amidst adversity are often attributed to divine protection and strength. The leadership and members believe that their cause is just and that their efforts are blessed by ChukwuAbiama (the Supreme God). This spiritual belief reinforces their commitment and provides a sense of purpose.

Additionally, the members are steadfast in their belief that no man or woman born can stain or derail the movement and escape the divine retribution of God. This belief in divine justice not only fortifies their resolve but also serves as a source of inspiration and motivation in their ongoing struggle for self-determination and justice.

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has demonstrated remarkable resilience and professionalism in the face of concerted efforts by the Nigerian government to discredit and suppress the movement. Despite numerous attempts to tarnish her esteemed image, including failed efforts to jam Radio Biafra and baseless accusations of criminal activities, IPOB has continued to thrive and grow.

As IPOB continues her divinely assigned journey, it does so with the confidence that these foundational principles and divine protection will sustain the mortal efforts and lead her towards achieving her goals. The movement’s ability to endure and grow amidst adversity is a powerful testament to her strength and dedication, reflecting the enduring spirit of the nonnegotiable cause and the insatiable commitment of members and supporters.

Family Writers Press  International

Tuesday 13 August 2024

IPOB’s Professionalism Amidst Adversity: A Testament to Resilience and Integrity

 IPOB’s Professionalism Amidst Adversity: A Testament to Resilience and Integrity 

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) have shown extraordinary resilience and tenacity in the face of severe obstacles, namely the enforced absence of their leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and relentless hybridized attempts by the Nigerian government to weaken them. Despite these challenges, IPOB has continued to uphold a remarkable level of organization and coordination, demonstrating that its commitment to its mission is unshakeable and that its operational methodology and tactics are grounded on its founding principles and integrity.

The Nigerian government’s efforts to destabilize IPOB through various suppressive measures, including but not limited, the arrest of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, have been relentless. These actions are part of a broader strategy to dislodge and dismantle the movement. However, rather than succumbing to these pressures, IPOB has navigated these challenges with remarkable adeptness, maintaining a high level of professionalism in its global operations. 

One of the most notable aspects of IPOB’s operations is its commitment to a crime-free and non-violent approach. Throughout its activities, IPOB has consistently advocated for peaceful and lawful means of pursuing its objectives. This commitment to non-violence is reflected in the movement's operational conduct and its strategic choices. IPOB has focused on peaceful advocacy and diplomatic efforts rather than resorting to violent confrontations, which sets it apart in a landscape often marked by strife and conflict. 

The professionalism of IPOB is evident in its well-structured leadership and governance. Despite the absence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the movement has continued to function effectively through a decentralized leadership model. Regional leaders and representatives have played pivotal roles in maintaining organizational coherence and advancing IPOB’s global yet collective objectives. This structured approach ensures that the movement remains focused and operationally sound, even in challenging circumstances. 

Strategic communication is another area where IPOB has excelled. The movement has skillfully utilized various communication platforms to engage with its supporters and manage its public image and reputation. By maintaining a consistent and measured narrative, IPOB has effectively countered attempts to discredit it. This strategic approach not only keeps the global audience informed but also helps in managing perceptions, perspectives and reinforcing IPOB’s commitment to its cause. 

The effective use and capitalisation technology has further bolstered IPOB’s organizational capabilities. Digital platforms have become essential tools for coordination, fundraising, and advocacy. Though attempt to infiltrate and sabotage this advantage by the enemy through agent provocateurs and state sponsored trojan horses were/are fiercely pursued. Yet, IPOB’s adeptness at leveraging these tools has enabled it to sustain its global presence and mobilize support effectively. This technological proficiency underscores the movement’s forward-thinking approach and its ability to adapt to contemporary challenges. 

IPOB’s global outreach is also a testament to its professionalism. The movement has established a strong international presence through well-organized chapters and a dedicated global diaspora. These chapters are instrumental in advocating for IPOB’s cause for Biafra restoration via an internationally supervised referendum or plebiscite. Thus, engaging with the international community, and fostering solidarity from state actors across the globe. The ability to mobilize and coordinate a global network of supporters, and diplomatic advocates reflects IPOB’s strategic planning and organizational strength. 

In the realm of legal and human rights advocacy, IPOB has maintained its commitment to lawful and constructive approaches. The movement’s engagement with international human rights organizations and its efforts to seek legal redress highlight its dedication to achieving its objectives through legitimate means. This approach not only reinforces IPOB’s credibility but also enhances its standing on the global stage. 

The Nigerian government’s attempts to suppress IPOB have, paradoxically, highlighted the movement’s resilience and the effectiveness of its strategic approach. Far from weakening IPOB, these efforts have galvanized support and drawn attention to the movement’s cause. The increased solidarity from within Nigeria and the international community underscores the strength and determination of IPOB’s advocacy. 

As IPOB moves forward, its continued emphasis on legitimacy by international standards, non-violence, and strategic communication will be crucial in navigating future challenges. The absence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the ongoing pressures from the Nigerian government are significant obstacles, but IPOB’s commitment to its principles and its organizational integrity provide a solid foundation for future success. 

Despite facing significant challenges, including the absence of its leader and provocative, aggressive government high handedness, IPOB has maintained an impressive standard of professionalism and sophistication. The movement’s dedication to non-violence, its structured leadership, strategic communication, effective use of technology, and global outreach are all indicators of its resilience and commitment. IPOB’s ability to navigate these challenges while upholding its principles is a testament to its enduring strength and determination. As IPOB continues its journey and course to self determination sustaining its integrity and reputation will remain central to its efforts in achieving its objectives and advancing its cause on the global stage. 

Family Writers Press International

Monday 12 August 2024

Strategic Silence: The Art Of Statecraft And Counter Manipulation In Biafra Restoration Project

 Strategic Silence: The Art Of Statecraft And Counter Manipulation In Biafra Restoration Project

Your enemies only want you to respond to their attacks. Instead of doing that, use silence to create fear amongst them because they don't know your next move. And remember, they'll like to know and see your next move. When you reply them immediately trying to declare your innocence or revenge, you make yourself weak before them. They study you more than you could study yourself.

They'll regroup and add more fire to their attacks. They'll continue to seek your attention so as to make you expose your plans, position and might before taking you down strategically.

The enemies love attention. They want you to talk about them. They want you to be restless about how to take revenge on them. This is their art of manipulations.

However, when one understands these skills, no enemy can know your next move. When you deny them attention, you create silence. That silence created will then make them be in a disjointed position. Out of the know of your position and move. Wether you're preparing something bigger than them or not, they do not know but want to know. If there are no clues to help them navigate through to attack you the more, you place yourself in better position against them in future.

This is just an art of counter manipulations deployed by state actors to navigate through difficult times, especially during confrontational wars or ideological wars.

Sometimes, people don't understand the SILENCE exhibited by the IPOB directorate of state DOS. That is why you see some shallow minded fellows coming out to ask what is the DOS doing to free our leader. Those people are gullible to understand what is happening and why the tide tilts and what the various trajectories demand.

State actorship is not a mere politicking business. It involves more than the lay people can imagine. It is not about coming on social media handles to tell you what plans and policies will be done. It is not your regular ụmụnna meeting executive where every opinion is given time to be expressed.

By the time many understand these demanding sectors of being in charge of a Nation's welfare, such as; Diplomacy, Geopolitics, State Actor Positioning, Counter Manipulation Strategies, False Flag Operations, Proxy Infiltration, Lobbying Manipulation, Economic Policing, etc, Biafra Restoration would be far achieved.

Lately, we have seen the tide of events in Nigeria. How various groups are being organized to advise Nigerian government to listen and allow wise counsel to prevail by using current provisions provided to create room for a National Referendum for the Peoples' in Nigeria. This did not just happen out of the air, IPOB leadership advertently and inadvertently brought us all to this level of equal playing ground. These Men and Women are exceptional in statecraft. They know their onions so much that many who are cerebral enough are beginning to understand that there's actually light at the end of the tunnel.

If not the firm defiance and abhorrence to violent agitation smartly played by the DOS since this turbulent and provocative 3 years of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's illegal incarceration, there wouldn't have been anything like what you're hearing about the Nigerian polity now. Nobody would've been talking about Referendum today in Nigeria. It would have been how to stop the bombardments of Southeast region by the Nigerian military.

The DOS, tactically displayed against the backdrop of many advisories to engage in arm struggle from various quarters, their counter manipulation superiority in the art of Statecraft. Otherwise, had they taken to the path of going confrontational against the Nigerian State, behold, Southeast by now would have been in shambles. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu would have by now been jailed and IPOB lost it's legitimacy in Biafraland. Thanks to the ingenuity of the DOS.

Do not ever despise the silence of a green snake in a green grass over it's quietness, for it's tail could be it's head. Meanwhile, as our fingers are crossed and our eyes fixed on the goal, we await the Nigerian government at the junction of Referendum.

The DOS are ever wise.

Family Writers Press International.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Self-Determination: Northern Protesters Should Demand For Referendum Not Military Takeover To End Bad Governance

 Self-Determination: Northern Protesters Should Demand For Referendum Not Military Takeover To End Bad Governance

The ongoing nationwide protests in Nigeria has taken turn into a concerning dimension where Some  protesters in the North were seen calling for the military to take over power, raising and waving the Russian flags at the same time burning the Nigerian flags. This has raised concerns amongst local and international observers. 

The protests in Northern Nigeria, especially in Kano and Kaduna, has highlighted the deep divisions and accumulated frustrations existing within the region. While some northern protesters are calling for the Nigerian military to intervene and take over power from the Tinubu's led government in Abuja, there's tension within the hierarchies of the federal government to stop the protest. 

However, this is not the right approach. Instead, Northern protesters should start demanding their right to self-determination and a referendum on total independence essentially the establishment of Arewa Islamic republic or whatever name they deem fit. 

The northern youths, population whom the hardship  stemming from president Tinubu's fuel subsidy removal and other poor economic policies took the most toll on, have since August 1 taken to the streets expressing their frustrations and grievances. 

Grievances include high cost of living, insecurity, inflation and religious/ethnic tensions. Meanwhile, protests erupted across the country over issues like bad governance, corruption, insecurity, poor economic conditions, and gross dissatisfaction with the presidency of Ahmed Bola Tinubu. 

However, rather than calling for a military takeover, northern protesters should focus their efforts on securing their democratic right to self-determination. This could take the form of a referendum where northerners can vote on whether to form an independent state, maintain the current federal structure with more regional autonomy, or seek other political arrangements. 

Moreso, history has shown that military coups rarely solve the underlying political and social problems that fuel unrest. In fact, military dictatorships often exacerbate tensions and human rights abuses. The Nigerian military with lots of human rights abuses will be a nightmare to ordinary people. The path to lasting peace and stability must come through democratic means that give a voice to the diverse regions and ethnicities in Nigeria. 

Calling for military intervention also sets a dangerous precedent that could undermine the relative security owing to the terrorists infiltration into the Nigerian military hierarchies. At this point, the Nigerian military is not a saint or guiltless of corruption and bad leadership, the current realities in the country show they are not a suitable option to ending bad governance either. So, it is dead on arrival as such attempt could embolden other ethnic factions into staging counter coups within the same military, thereby promote violence and instability. 

Instead, the northern protesters should focus their energy on advocating for plebiscite; a democratic process that allows the people of the region to decide their own political future. This could take the form of a referendum on independence or increased autonomy, giving various ethnic groups north a direct say in shaping their destiny going forward. 

Self-determination is a fundamental human right recognized under international laws. The African Charter on Peoples' Rights also affirms the right of indigenous peoples' to self-determination. By pursuing this path, northern Nigerians could chart a course that is both legitimate and sustainable, rather than relying on the unpredictable and often destabilizing actions of the military. 

Furthermore, a referendum would provide an opportunity for open and transparent dialogue on the challenges facing the north and potential solutions. This would help build consensus, address grievances, and ultimately lead to a more stable and equitable arrangement for all ethnic groups in the North. 

While the current situation in Nigeria is undoubtedly dire, a military takeover is not close to the solution. The northern protesters should as a matter of necessity join IPOB led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and direct their efforts towards securing the democratic right to self-determination through a referendum. This would be a more principled and constructive approach to resolving the region's pressing issues and grievances as well as ending bad governance entirely.

Family Writers Press International

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Make Hay While The Sun Shines: A Call To The Arewa People

 Make Hay While The Sun Shines: A Call To The Arewa People 

Nigeria, once hailed as the giant of Africa, has unfortunately become a land where dreams wither and hope is scarce. The ongoing protests and civil unrest are stark reminders of the deep-seated frustrations and disillusionment that have permeated every corner of this nation. Among the voices crying out for change are the Arewa people, who have borne their fair share of Nigeria’s unfulfilled promises. As the nation stands at a crossroads, it is time for the Arewa to seize this moment, to make hay while the sun shines, and consider the opportunity for a separate and sovereign existence.

The Arewa, comprising the Hausa and other northern ethnic groups, have a rich history steeped in tradition and resilience. However, the promise of a united Nigeria, where all ethnic groups coexist in harmony and prosperity, has remained elusive. The Arewa have faced numerous challenges: economic disenfranchisement, political marginalization, and relentless insecurity. Despite their contributions to Nigeria’s agricultural and cultural wealth, the Arewa regions have often been left behind in national development plans.

The loss of loved ones In the quest for a better Nigeria has not only been a personal tragedy for many families but also a collective trauma for the Arewa community. The bloodshed, violence, and persistent insecurity have taken a toll, eroding the faith in a unified Nigerian state. The recent protests and the symbolic act of burning the Nigerian flag signify a breaking point—a moment of collective realization that the status quo is untenable.

The present protests have unveiled the depth of anger and frustration among the Arewa people. The discontent is palpable, driven by years of neglect and broken promises. Insecurity, poverty, and lack of opportunities have left many feeling hopeless. The protests are not just a cry for immediate change but a call for a radical rethinking of Nigeria’s political and social structure.

Burning the Nigerian flag is a powerful act of defiance. It symbolizes the rejection of a nation that has failed to protect and provide for its people. This act is not just a protest against the current government but a statement against the very idea of a Nigeria that disregards the aspirations and needs of the Arewa people. It is a declaration that the time for passive hope is over; the time for decisive action has arrived.

History has shown that nations are built on the aspirations of their people. The Arewa people have reached a pivotal moment where they must decide their future. This is an opportunity to explore the possibility of a separate and sovereign state, where the unique culture, values, and aspirations of the Arewa can thrive. This is not a call for immediate secession but an invitation to begin a serious and thoughtful dialogue about self-determination.

The concept of self-determination is enshrined in international law. It is the right of peoples to determine their own political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development. For the Arewa, this means envisioning a state where resources are managed for the benefit of the people, where security is paramount, and where governance is accountable and inclusive.

The road to self-determination is fraught with challenges. There will be resistance from those who benefit from the current structure of Nigeria. There will be logistical, political, and economic hurdles to overcome. However, history has shown that great nations are built on the resolve and determination of their people.

It is important to add that this topic is as divisive as the tribal make up of Arewa people as some school of thought make valid argument by asking pertinent questions such as: Are the Fulani an Arewa tribe? Are they one with Hausa? Since Arewa people have controlled the rulership of Nigeria, is it not proper to say that they are going through self-destruction? The last president was a Fulani, and even though the economy was worse, the Arewa didn’t protest. If Tinubu is Fulani, will Arewa protest? While the answers to the above questions are important, more important is the understanding that if the protest going on in the north is for economic and political freedom, the Hausa must ensure that they free themselves from Fulani control once and for all.  Arewa republic is acceptable for as long as the Hausa use their large number negotiate an outcome that will not unleash the Fulani as slave masters of Hausa people. To be controlled as it is currently the case 

To achieve this freedom, it is essential to approach this journey with a spirit of inclusivity and dialogue. Not all Arewa people may agree on the path forward, and it is crucial to foster an environment where diverse opinions are respected and considered. Unity within the Arewa community is paramount to achieving a common goal.

Beyond the political and economic arguments, there is a moral imperative for self-determination. The Arewa people have the right to live in a society that respects their dignity, values their contributions, and provides opportunities for their children. They have the right to a future where insecurity, poverty, and marginalization are not the norm.

Making hay while the sun shines means seizing this moment of collective awakening and turning it into a movement for positive change. It means transforming frustration into action, anger into determination, and despair into hope. It is about taking control of the narrative and shaping a future that reflects the true aspirations of the Arewa people.

The Arewa people stand at a historic crossroads. The ongoing protests have illuminated the depth of discontent and the urgent need for change. This is a moment of opportunity, a chance to chart a new course and consider the possibility of a separate and sovereign state. 

Self-determination is not just a political goal; it is a journey towards dignity, respect, and a better future. It is a call to make hay while the sun shines, to act now while the opportunity is ripe. The Arewa people have the power to shape their destiny, to build a society that reflects their values and aspirations. It is now or never. The time for change is here.

Family Writers Press International

Friday 2 August 2024

Enforced Disappearance: Nigerian Military Embark On Secret Court Martial Conviction, Sentences Abducted Igbo Youths To Prisons In Northern Nigeria

Enforced Disappearance: Nigerian Military Embark On Secret Court Martial Conviction, Sentences Abducted Igbo Youths To Prisons In Northern Nigeria

The issue of enforced disappearing of citizens in Eastern Nigeria by the Nigerian forces has taken a deeply troubling dimension. And, the recent reports of the Nigerian military, especially the Nigerian Army engaging in secret court martial proceedings to convict and sentence Igbo youths abducted at various locations across Southeast to prisons in Northern Nigeria underscores the plethora of grave violation of human rights and blatant disregard to rule of law by the Nigerian Military in collaboration with the Nigeria government.

In recent months, there have been disturbing reports of enforced disappearances of hundreds of Igbo Men and Youths. These abductions are being carried out in collusion between elements of the Nigerian Military; the Army and the state secret police(DSS). 

These victims, when abducted by Nigerian security forces, gets denied due process, access to family members and fundamental legal protections, while the Nigerian Military authorities continue to deny these accusations and also refuse to disclose accurate information about the fate and whereabouts of these disappeared youths held in various detention facilities in the north.

A disturbing yet reliable report gathered by Family Writers Press International, has it that the Nigerian military have begun a court martial process in the North to convict and imprison these Igbo Youths abducted and kept in secret dungeons in Northern barracks.

The report revealed that these court martial proceedings are being conducted in secret, without allowing these victims access to their own legal protection, family relations, judicial transparency or oversight. These blatant egregious acts show the unending violations of the principles of justice and the rule of law by the Nigerian military.

Moreso, investigations by Human Rights groups and eyewitness testimonies reveal that  these missing Igbo youths have been secretly moved from the South and detained at various military facilities in the North after their extra-legal abductions from the streets and highways of Southeast. 

Several reliable sources revealed that the abducted youths were subsequently subjected to a sham court martial process behind closed doors. They have been summarily tried and convicted at kangaroo court-martial for fictitious crimes, with sentences ranging from 5 to 20 years imprisonment handed down to them. In a worrisome development, the convicted youths have quietly been transported and incarcerated in faraway maximum security prisons located in Northern Nigeria, far from their communities and families in the South-East. The affected families and local advocacy groups expressed shock and outrage at this brazen abuse of power and flagrant violation of legal and human rights by the Nigerian military. They accuse the Nigerian security forces of illegally detaining and disappearing the Igbo youths solely for their ethnicity in the ongoing tensions over secessionist agitations, ethni-political tensions in the country.

In a recent development, one Emeka Ngonadi (Male, 42) was kidnapped and disappeared by the personnel of the Nigerian Army on his way to Owerri from Lagos on 10th April, 2024, and was spontaneously accused of several allegations such as being a member of IPOB, participating and enabling terrorism activities in Nigeria. It was gathered after reliable investigations carried out by his legal counsel that he was moved to Wawa Army barracks in the North were he was later court-martial and sentenced to five (5) years in prison in the North without access to a legal representative or family relations. 

What is most troubling about this situation is the blatant disregard for  basic human rights of these kidnapped victims involved. These abducted youths who have not been found to be involved in any illegal activities by any Nigerian court of competent jurisdiction, are being stripped of their freedoms and their dignity without any semblance of a fair trial in a court of competent jurisdiction. The fact that they are being held in prisons in the northern parts of the country, far from their family relatives, homes and communities, only adds to the  sense of isolation, mental torture and dehumanization meted on them in these faraway dungeons.

Again, the fact that Nigerian military who often times declare their loyalty to the democratic principles and to the constitution of Nigeria, to embark on these secret court-martial trials and convictions of innocent youths abducted in Southeast in a democratic dispensation, underscores the high levels of abuse of power, disregard to the principle of checks and balances, violation of the principles of rule of law, human rights and negligence to due process by the Nigerian military authorities.

The implications of this situation extend far beyond the individuals directly affected. It represents a fundamental erosion of the principles of justice and the rule of law in Nigeria, with the military and government colluding to circumvent legal protections and due process to victims of enforced disappearances. This sets a dangerous precedent that have far-reaching consequences for the country's democratic institutions and the rights of all of its citizens.

Moreover, the use of enforced disappearance as a tool of political repression is a grave violation of international human rights law. Nigeria has been countlessly found guilty of this act despite having ratified numerous international treaties and conventions that prohibit such practices.  It is incumbent upon the government to uphold these commitments and ensure that the rights of all its citizens are protected under the treaties binding on her.

In the face of these egregious human rights abuses, it is essential that the international community, as well as human rights and civil society organizations within Nigeria, speak out and demand accountability from the Nigerian military. The Nigerian government must be held responsible to account for its high-handed actions, and violation of  its citizens human rights and freedoms. 

Unless the Nigerian authorities provide answers regarding the whereabouts and wellbeing of these abducted and disappeared Igbo youths languishing in various detention facilities in Nigeria, Nigeria will continue to be called out  for their failure and violations of both national and international laws protecting citizens from arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, and the right to a fair judicial process. These undemocratic actions, such as the secret court-martial trials will continue to further undermine the trust in state institutions and fray inter-ethnic relations at a time when dialogue is needed the most. Pressure is mounting for an independent investigation and accountability of all those complicit in these injustices, especially in the Nigerian Army personnel and other security forces.

Therefore, it is advisable for the Nigerian government and military authorities to release all victims of secret court-martial trials held in the North, if Nigeria truly prides itself as a democratic country. Otherwise, if these undemocratic actions go unresolved, Nigeria will be heading to self-inflicted anarchy and subtle military takeover. The time to act wise is now.



Family Writers Press International.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

The Faming Of Anti-Igbo Euphoria By Yoruba Maniacs Is A Welcome Development

  The Faming Of Anti-Igbo Euphoria By Yoruba Maniacs Is A Welcome Development

From the era of Nigeria's antiquity [1900s] till date, the Yorubas have always viewed or regarded the Igbos as competitors of sorts. A very industrious one at that.  And, they constantly struggle to keep up with that, at least. But when they cannot afford to, they resorts to beguile their way out, in order to stay afloat or competitive by all means. 

Since the days of Awolowo and Azikiwe, all the way down to the contemporary times. Evidences of this replete itself. For instance, even after the genocidal war of 1967-70 which claimed the lives of over 3.5 million Biafrans(mostly children and women), Gowon at the behest and advice of Cheif Awolowo moved to confiscate money owned by defeated Biafrans who were still licking their wounds and their homestead destroyed by a war waged by an inconsiderate array of enemies. 

Giving them only £20 each, regardless of how much they owned. Then went on to immediately launch the indigenization policy in 1972 that granted he [Awolowo] his Yoruba kinsmen and the north to buy out shares of exclusive businesses which were reserved for only indegines of Nigeria, painfully at a time when Igbos were still struggling to rebuild what was destroyed amidst the infamous slogan ọf "No Victor No Vanquish". The subsequent '3Rs' standing for Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Restructuring declared by the Gowon regime and its successives were all talk and no show. The stakeholders at the federal level were intentional about their non-commitment to its implementation. 

Fast forward to 2023, after the Yorubas swindled themselves back in power and are jittery of their "Igbo competitors" again. They have resorted to stoking ethnic tensions and genocidal rhetorics against victims of genocide which is yet to be acknowledged by the world and the perpetrators. The social media pundits, trolls who are dishing out this hate and insidious speeches against a race, are mere rookies. 

The Anti-Igbo euphoria is officially a domestic policy of the Tinubu's administration, and this he has demonstrated within these past 14 months of his rule, beyond every reasonable doubt. 

Since the beginning of plans for national hunger protest – spearheaded by the north and key Yorubas figures – the Yoruba online pundits, state officials all the way to the seat of power have concentrated on trying to make the Igbos the bogeymen, even when the later have stated clearly their resolve of collective apathy in partaking in the nationwide protest. The aim of these Yoruba Maniacs is to keep Ndigbo, Biafrans on the defensive and to reserve and assure themselves of a punching bag, should anything go wrong or they loose to the northern oligarchy. 

We are talking about a possible and potential repetition of history that led to the pogroms of 1966 which snowballed into the Biafra war. We are talking about another victimization of a victimized race. 

Nevertheless, as the saying goes. Every disappointment is a blessing in disguise. The occurrences of the past 14 months have proven to every Igbo, Biafran soul that they are indeed endangered species. Not only are Biafrans target for a vile ultranationalist Fulani expansionist agenda, they have also become targets of the Yorubas and as such, the ultimate remedy is collective development of their homeland through patriotic individual contributions and, Biafra restoration.

The wisdom of the Mazi Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB) movement during the past election with their non-inteference policy was the bedrock of the magic unfolding. The Tinubu's administrations blinded by their animosity played to the gallery. The Igbos are already seceding from Nigeria regions gradually, where their lives and properties are no longer guaranteed, and if this soon to commence protests – which they, Igbos have maintained their stance on ambivalence, will serve as the incentive or catalyst to fasten that process. Then, the heavens are delighted. 

However, one thing enemies of Ndigbo, Biafrans who are warming up for a workout on the blood, sweat and wealth of our people know and bear in mind is this, 2024 will never be like 1966, 1967-70. Biafrans are now alive to their duties to defend their lives or they perish and they will exercise that right from henceforth.

Furthermore, there was no movement and robust institution like the IPOB movement and all it encompasses that is committed to defending the interest of Biafrans, in 1966 like we have today. 

In our view, there will never be a repetition of history where Biafrans will be victims. Instead, they enemies will be forced and made to know their place and tread carefully. But hopefully, common sense and reason will prevail.

If Nigerians are tired of accommodating Biafrans  and wants to resort into killing them again in millions, they should quietly and immediately organize a referendum, followed up by an expulsion program guided by the principles of international law. Biafrans will leave as soon as possible even before they know it.

A word is enough for the wise. 

Family Writers Press International

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