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Showing posts with label Ike Ekweremadu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ike Ekweremadu. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Biafra: Nuremberg was the fire

By Emeka Maduewesi

Published by The Biafra Times| 24 Aug. 2019

  • Nuremberg was the city where Nazi officers and sympathisers were tried for the genocide they commited against the Jews. It might be a coincidence that the unity of the Igbo ethnic group, victims of genocide by the Nigerian government, was put on trial at the same city, or it might not.

I am yet to imagine any one person who is more convulsed than me at the pelting of eggs and physical handling of the distinguished Senator representing Enugu West Senatorial District, Chief Ike Ekweremadu, by members of the Indegnious People of Biafra, otherwise known as the IPOB.

Chief Ike Ekweremadu is my bosom friend. We have come a long way from our days as the 1986 Class, Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria. My use of the word ‘bosom” underscores the fact that, even after graduation, we have woken up in the same house, had conversations before brushing our teeth, and dipped our hands inside the same plate to eat food prepared by our wives. I always address Ikeoha as my leader.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra, is someone I regard as my political son. My respect for him, like then Colonel Ojukwu’s respect for Major Nzeogwu, is borne from the fact that he does most of what I would have loved, but lack the courage to do so, in pursuit of my desire to disengage Igbo people from Nigeria. Nnamdi Kanu is also my friend. He has spent days under my roof, and just like my leader Ikeoha, we have shared meals from the same plate. As Igbo, I consider dipping hands to eat from the same plate highly symbolic.

Since the day of Igbo Unity trial at Nuremberg, I have received more than 500 messages of inquiry from families and friends seeking to know my position. These inquiries were mostly genuine concerns for me as an individual, considering my relationship with Chief Ike Ekweremadu and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. I don’t know anyone who was in Chief Ike Ekweremadu’s house in Enugu and country home at Mpu in May, 2019, and was with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu three weeks later. I have always seen myself as a bridge between these two most illustrious Igbo sons, and I remain optimistic that one day both will join forces to respond to the desires of the majority of Igbo people.

Let me digress.

I have spent the past 15 years studying Igbo history and anthropology. I have from strange archives dug out and read books on Igbos written between 1700 and 1960. I have read anthropological reports, slave biographies, narratives, historical works, and most importantly, field works done by renowned British and American anthropologists - Charles K. Meek, H. F. Matthew, Mervyn David W. Jeffreys, Margery Perham, Sylvia Leith-Ross,  Mary Green, Richard Henderson (The King in Every Man), Gwilliam Iwan Jones (G. I. Jones) - after the Aba Women’s War of 1929. My studies have made me come to the conclusion that what is acceptable to other Nigerians may actually be poisonous to Igbo people.

I watched available video clips of the treatment Chief Ike Ekweremadu received in the hands of Biafran agitators. These videos were excruciatingly painful to watch for the simple reason that Chief Ike Ekweremadu is my friend. He is a good man who loves Igbo people and is proud of his heritage. I also have read many of the comments and opinions expressed by Nigerians regarding the Igbo Unity trial at Nuremberg. Most of the comments and opinions were  downright ignorant. The worst were those who wrote that Nigeria’s local proscription of IPOB as a terrorist organization will now be affirmed globally. Arrant Nonsense!

Let me quickly summarize some points:

Pelting of eggs on a politician in a democratic society is an acceptable expression of anger by anyone who is dissatisfied with the actions of the politician. Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany holds the record as the politician pelted with the highest number of eggs. Remember it was Chancellor Kohl that united Germany, but those from East Germany felt he was not responding to their economic woes. When former president Bill Clinton was egged by a 19-year-old protester in Warsaw, Poland, Clinton took off his stained jacket and shrugged it off, quipping that “it’s good for young people to be angry about something nowadays.”  The long list of egged politicians would make a book.

Germany will not deport those IPOBians for this action. They will not even investigate it. If they were asylum seekers, it will even help to consolidate their asylum application. In fact, it would be strange for an asylum seeker to publicly fraternize with any government official of the country he is running away from even if the official was a member of his immediate family.

Many Igbos claiming MASSOB or IPOB membership have been granted asylum by governments of various nations. The treatment of members of these groups by the Nigeria government forms part of the report their Ambassadors submit to their home governments. Such applications are mostly generally investigated using internet sources, including Amnesty International reports, without subjecting the applicant to rigorous questioning.

There is that tendency to point at the biological age or elderhood when condemning the actions of the young against the old. We tend to forget that Nigeria is a constitutional democratic society not a tribal government. People are elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Nigerian politicians hold offices according to written laws, not tribal traditions or age. We should stop citing age as a shield when the youth are provoked to anger. We have to accept democracy with all its rights, privileges, obligations and expression of anger like other democratic societies.

Let me quickly touch on those injecting statism into the incident at Nuremberg. It amuses me when those who claim to be fighting for Igbo emancipation scamper back to defend their state whenever the matter is Igbo-centered. I have learnt not to take those people serious no matter their position on any issue. These are straw men and women that have nothing to contribute to the welfare of Ndigbo.

Back to the Nuremberg trial, a critical examination of will reveal that so much could be achieved by this high-handed but acceptable expression of political dissatisfaction. Anyone who does not recognise that the game has changed should wake up. Chief Ike Ekweremadu acknowledged this much in his second public statement regarding the incident.

The South East governors and Chief Nnia Nwodo seem to not understand that the game has changed at every level, including the federal. Their responses have been emotional outbursts from people who seem to be scared of their lives. Irrespective of ethnicity, how safe are federal officials when they step outside Nigeria? The South East governors are very far removed from the majority of the people they claim to serve. They are insensitive to the hunger and suffering in the land. Suicide is an abomination in Igboland but Igbo kids are now routinly comitting suicide. The hungry are angry and the day will soon arrive when these politicians will face the “hangry” at home.

Also, for any governor to suggest that IPOB has neither the numerical strength, nor the geographical spread, to pelt Nigerian politicians with eggs or to publicly display their displeasure with the state of affairs in Nigeria within the confines of the law in their nations of refuge, is myopic. IPOB is counting on other Nigerians in the diaspora to start holding the legs of these politicians to the fire. It was Nigeria that drove them out. Now the stage is set for the dogs and baboons to be covered with eggs in foreign lands.

My friend Chief Ekweremadu should take this as that proverbial stone an angel threw on someone’s car to draw his attention to a dire situation. The time has come for all stakeholders in the British corporation known as Nigeria to sit down and discuss on the least painful way to liquidate. I expect Chief Ekweremadu, not Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, to build the team and to lead the Igbo delegation. My leader understands that Nigeria will not even grant the South East a local government based on the status quo. Any honest Igbo should know that restructuring is dead on arrival unless session is on the table.

Being Igbo and knowing the Igbo from personal interactions with other Igbos and my rigorous studies of the Igbo people, I strongly opine here that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s position represents what the Igbos want. What Igbos want does not include Nigeria’s  presidency. It is left for Chief Ekweremadu to work with Nnamdi Kanu and the IPOB on  how to present our hearts desire to the Nigerian government and how to successfully accomplish the same. Any other step will cause more harm to everyone.

Finally, why Chief Ike Ekweremadu? It was Ikeoha because any other Igbo politician being the first recipient of this baptism of eggs, would have been seen as well-deserved. It would have been a comedy, laughed at, joked about, forgotten by effusion of time, with no lessons learned. But Ikeoha is not just any other Igbo politician. The public reaction to the Igbo trial at Nuremberg has shown the level of esteem he is held by his own people who, while condemning the treatment to him as a person, go on to mention that the development is welcome.

Nuremberg is personal to me. Nuremberg was the fire Moses saw, the fire that burned without the tree being consumed. Igbo Unity won at Nuremberg.

Contact us: [email protected]
Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Biafra: Nuremberg Scenario, a Litmus Test for what is to Come

August 22, 2019

By Princewill Akubumma | Biafra Writers

The 21st-century democracy in every part of the world gives the masses the authority to hold their corrupt leaders accountable. The Nuremberg incident involving the former Deputy Senate President, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, is a litmus test of what awaits corrupt politicians in that unfortunate British establishment called Nigeria.

The political divides – APC and PDP – have been in serious loggerhead, but sensing the looming karma as heralded by the Ekweremadu encounter, they are suddenly unified … unified in a frantic effort to quench the fire of revolution.  Rather than improve the lives of the people they are leading, our politicians devise a means of looting our common wealth while intimidating anyone that dare challenge them.

The singular fact that they are now coming together to form a synergy, putting party differences aside in order to defend selves, should open the eyes of the oppressed masses to see the need to synergize with IPOB who have taken the bold step and form a common front. Every civilized and developed country in the world once had revolution.

In the USA, the likes of George Washington, George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and countless others were once heavily barricaded by angry mobs that pelted them with eggs and dirt to register their displeasure. In Britain, Tony Blair – former British Prime minister – was once pelted with eggs and shoved around by angry masses.

READ ALSO: Wake up Biafrans, You are Being Killed off

We have as well seen in the social media, viral video footage of angry Ukrainians beating and shoving their corrupt politicians, forcing them into the street waste bins as a result of their inefficacy in representation. Heavens didn't fall upon those angry masses, for they have it as a fundamental right to protest against corrupt leaders in any democratic dispensation. Yet, in the Nigerian setting, politicians wouldn’t have the masses even air a dissenting view. Speak against the government and you are a dead man.

Recall, however, that in 2013 Sahara Reporters circulated video footage of Rotimi Chibuike Amechi – then still the governor of Rivers state – addressing an audience on the docility and cowardice behavior of Nigerian youths towards corrupt politicians. Amechi told the listeners that Nigerian politicians have been taking them for a ride and charged them to be more confrontational against irresponsible leaders.

The Igbo youths in Germany seem to be taking Amechi’s advice. The day of rage has come. The oppressed people are taking their destiny into their hand. No hiding place for the corrupt politicians.

Contact us: [email protected]
Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Edited By Nelson Ofokar Yagazie
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The Whirlwind of Revolution Blows Down Senator Ike Ekweremadu

By Eluwa Chidiebere Chinazu | Biafra Writers

August 21, 2019

The cloud of absolute and nonnegotiable revolution is gathering. Although it is hard for Nigerian political players to accept, it is becoming clearer that this revolution is heading into a more radical phase. Its weight has been demonstrated in Germany with Sen. Ike Ekweremadu’s scenario. The senator never imagined how aggrieved the youths were until his cloth was torn. If the politicians have working brain therefore, the Ekweremadu incident is a message to them all. Nothing can triumph over the collective will of the people.

The Ekweremadu incident brings to mind a similar occurrence in France centuries ago. On August 10, 1792, a crowd of about 20,000 people attacked the Tuileries Palace. The King and Queen escaped but later were put on house arrest. Over the next month, hundreds of suspected royalists were executed in what became known as the “September Massacre” in history.

As that revolution changed the once corrupt France to a better one and brewed revolution around Europe, so also is history moving towards that direction in Africa. It will be foolhardy for anybody to underrate the power the collective will of the people carries.

Politicians in Nigeria should remember that the rain does not recognize anyone as a friend; it drenches all equally. I advise therefore that from now on they should take the cry of the masses serious. What happened in Germany should serve as an eye-opener to all.

Lastly, the politicians from the Eastern Region of Nigeria should understand that there is time for everything on earth. What I saw in the eyes of the people is not what words can explain. A tree that refuses to dance is made to do so by the wind, but the wind does not break a tree that bends. Time to support your people because that is the only escape route left.

The Biafra Times
Edited by Nelson Ofokar Yagazie
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
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Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Top 7 Igbo Politicians on IPOB Blacklist and Why

August 20, 2019 | The Biafra Times


These men mentioned above instigated, financed and defended a full-scale bloody military invasion of Biafraland they tagged Operation Python Dance that led to the torture and untimely death of over 600 Biafrans, 28 of which fell in my compound.

These men sanctioned the desecration of the home of an Igbo tradition ruler by Fulani soldiers and did not care if my father HRM Eze Israel Okwu Kanu and my mother, who were home with me during the unprovoked invasion, is killed or not. All these desperate Igbo politicians ever wanted was my death, the death of IPOB, the death of our dream of freedom for all.

In view of the Nuremberg encounter, it has become necessary for us to refresh our memories lest it succumbs to confusion and deliberate misinformation because most people, unlike we IPOB, are in the habit of excusing intolerable evil and wickedness but we not. Every perpetrator of evil, every purveyor of iniquity, every merchant of misery and every defender of injustice must and will be held to account. We will relent until justice is served.

*Full Resolution of South-East Governors On IPOB and Operation Python Dance

The Chairman of the South-East Governors Forum and Governor of Ebonyi State, Dave Umahi, read the resolution with Enugu Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi to his left and Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State to his right.

The South-East Governors Forum held a meeting at Government House in Enugu over the increased tension in the region after what they mischievously termed Sunday’s clash between soldiers and members of the Indigenous People of Biafra.

At the end of the meeting, which was also attended by Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu and President-General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo John Nwodo, they arrived at 11 resolutions which include a ban on IPOB activities and an appeal to President Muhammadu Buhari to withdraw soldiers from the region.

Below is the statement read by the Chairman of the South-East Governors Forum and Governor of Ebonyi State Dave Umahi at the end of that meeting:

In view of the prevailing situation in the South East and its attendant consequences, the South-East governors hereby resolve as follows:

1. All activities of IPOB are hereby proscribed. IPOB and all other aggrieved groups are to articulate their position on all national issues and submit to the committee of Governors of South East, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, and National Assembly members from South-East zone through the Chairman of South-East Governors Forum.

2. All governors of South East are expected to ensure compliance in their respective states.

3. The South-East Governors Forum, Ohanaeze Ndigbo and National Assembly Members do hereby reinforce their commitment to one united and indivisible Nigeria.

4. We also reinforce our desire for the restructuring of Nigeria where all national issues will be discussed and amicably settled to achieve justice and fairness to every Nigerian.

5. We reiterate our earlier position that the November 18, 2017, Gubernatorial election in Anambra State must hold.

6. Accordingly, we appeal to our President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR to, please, withdraw the military in the South-East Zone while the police perform their traditional role of maintaining law and order within this period.

7. South-East governors have taken concrete steps to protect the lives and properties of non-indigenes in the South East and, of course, including the lives and properties of indigenes in the South-East as well.

8. We are in touch with the Northern Governors Forum and they have assured us of the safety of all our people living in the North and we have also planned for exchange of visits between the governors. This is to reinforce the confidence of Nigerians in this regard.

9. In keeping with our earlier position, we wish to assure Nigerians that full investigation is ongoing and all allegations of killings, maiming and other unlawful conduct in the South-East Zone within this period. The governors and the security agencies are in agreement that appropriate action will be taken against anyone culpable.

10. We advise all residents of the South East to go about their normal businesses as the government of each state is committed to protecting everybody.

11. Finally, we advise our people in the South East to, please, be law-abiding.

[End of statement]

I have added the video of the unprovoked military assault on my compound by the cowardly Nigerian Army whose sole purpose was to kill me -an unarmed man, my parents and those around me despite the fact we are a peaceful movement. Those with a conscience can now understand the root cause of our anger and why we won't stop until they all pay dearly for their sins.



Contact us: [email protected]
Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

The Animalistic Instincts of Nnia Nwodo

August 20, 2019

By Nelson Ofokar Yagazie | Biafra Writers

Following the encounter with aggrieved Igbo youths in Nuremberg, Germany, in which the erstwhile deputy president of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, was chased out of the Iri Ji festival, the president of the proscribed Igbo socio-cultural group, Ohaneze Ndigbo, Chief John Nnia Nwodo, has called on German police to arrest the protesting Igbo youths.  Mistaking Europe for uncivilized Nigeria, the self-serving president of Ohaneze urged German police to deal with the Igbo youths for registering dissatisfaction with the current crop of Igbo politicians.

Nnia Nwodo who was only months ago described as an idiot by the governor of Anambara state, Willie Obiano, was full of hate as he poured venom on the protesting youths. In a statement issued in Enugwu hours after the incident, Nwodo said, “The assault on Ekweremadu by Igbos in Germany, described as IPOB, is disappointing, grotesque and dangerous for Igbo solidarity. This violent, rude, impertinent, divisive and discourteous style of IPOB or IPOB instigated miscreants is damaging to our cause. It strengthens the case of those who describe them as terrorists and weaken our case against the infringement of our fundamental human rights.” In his view, staging a demonstration qualifies one as a terrorist. Pathetic.

It’s quite lugubrious that whilst Nnia Nwodo sees a simple protest aimed at awakening Igbo politicians up to their responsibilities as “grotesque, rude, impertinent, divisive and dangerous for Igbo solidarity,” he doesn’t see the conspiratorial silence of the politicians over the constant killing, raping and abducting of our people by the marauding Fulani herdsmen in the same light, neither has he seen the danger in the allocation of our lands to Fulani for RUGA Settlements as Southeast governors are covertly doing now.

Furthering his risible statement, the Nsukka born saboteur who in Lagos publically pledged to sabotage Biafra struggle said, “Ekweremadu negotiated the sureties and securities for Nnamdi Kanu's release on bail. He does not deserve this picketing and disgrace. A disgrace to him is a disgrace to Igbo race.” Funny how a protest against the docility of a political office holder turns a disgrace to the Igbo race but the invasion of the royal palace of an Igbo traditional ruler, Eze Israel Okwu Kanu, is not a disgrace to the Igbo.  The thinking of the so-called Igbo elite.

READ ALSO: I Hold No Grudge against Those that Tossed Me out – Senator Ike Ekweremadu

The power-drunk Nwodo concluded his pathetic speech with the appeal on German authorities to arrest and prosecute those that protested against one of the chief architects of Python Dance, Senator Ike Ekweremadu. Nwodo said, “Whilst I condemn the attack on our revered son and leader, I call on the law enforcement agencies in Germany to bring to book the perpetrators of this despicable act. It is un-Igbo. It is disgraceful.”

Nnia Nwodo wants unarmed civilians arrested simply because they protested against a corrupt and underperforming senator.  Yet in USA protesters blocked President Donald Trump’s way, stoning him with can water and other items. American police neither arrested nor prosecuted anybody. In Germany where the Ekweremadu incident took place and other parts of the Western world, the masses protest against their leaders, and nobody gets arrested or prosecuted. That’s because they (the Western world) are civilized. In Nigeria, the army and police shoot unarmed protesters. The comparative difference shows one thing: Nigeria is uncivilized, undemocratic, animalistic and savage. Reason Nigeria is called Zoo – an animal kingdom where even the so-called educated class is beasty in their dealings.

Nnia Nwodo’s call on German police to arrest and prosecute people for demonstrating indignation against corrupt and ineffective political office holders betrays his animalistic nature. He clearly mistook Germany for the Zoo called Nigeria.

Contact us: [email protected]
Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

Sunday, 18 August 2019

I Hold No Grudge against Those that Tossed Me out – Senator Ike Ekweremadu

August 18, 2019

By Nelson Ofokar Yagazie | Biafra Writers

Former Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, who received an unexpected baptism of fire yesterday in Germany, has said that he holds no grudge against his baptizers. The senator who attended the Second Annual Cultural Festival and Convention organized by Igbos living in Germany made the statement through his Media Assistant, Uche Anichukwu, in Abuja.

Ekweremadu arrived in Nuremberg, Germany, yesterday where, according to him, he was billed to give a keynote address along with the President-General of the proscribed Igbo socio-cultural group, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Chief Nnia Nwodo. The senator somehow got more than he bargained for as some aggrieved Igbo youths arrived at the scene to toss him out, expressing dissatisfaction over the nonchalant attitude of Igbo politicians over the incessant killings going on in Biafra land.

Confirming the unfortunate encounter in a press statement through his media assistant, Uche Anichukwu, the disgraced senator said, “Much as I am disappointed in their conduct, especially as I am one of the persons, who have spoken up on justice for Ndigbo, the Python Dance, judicial killings in Igbo land and elsewhere, both on the floor of the Senate and in my written and personal engagements with the Presidency as well as rallied the South East Senate Caucus to secure Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s release with Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe taking him on bail to douse tension in the South East, I nevertheless do not hold this to heart against them, for they know not what they do.”

Related News: Baptism of Fire as Senator Ike Ekweremadu Gets Tossed Out

The aggrieved Igbo youths that confronted Ekweremadu were sending a message to all politicians of Biafra extraction, and the senator seems to have gotten the message, hence his pronouncement of holding no grudge. The clause in the ‘no grudge’ statement, “for they know not what they do,” is understandably a wise man’s way of retaining pride. And yes, he can keep his pride for the encounter was not to assault his person but to draw his attention to urgent matters he and his co-politicians seem to be overlooking.

The downtrodden people of Biafra who have been so grossly overlooked by the elite who claim to represent them are therefore hoping that other politicians in the region will get the message delivered to them via the Ekweremadu encounter and turn a new leaf.

Contact us: [email protected]
Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

Baptism of Fire as Senator Ike Ekweremadu Gets Tossed Out

August 18, 2019

By Nelson Ofokar Yagazie | Biafra Writers

Igbos living in Germany yesterday vented their anger on Igbo politicians using Ike Ekweremadu as an instance. The expression of anger took place in Nuremberg, Germany, where the Igbo community gathered to celebrate the sacred feast of Iri Ji (New Yam Festival). Ekweremadu, a distinguished guest, arrived to add colour to the feast but received the baptism of fire as some angry youths registered their indignation in a way the senator wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

According to sources, the Iri Ji festival was progressing peacefully until some aggrieved youths arrived at the scene to chase the Senator away, asking him to return home. From the videos making the rounds, it could be heard of the indignant youths shouting at the senator “Our people are being killed back home by Fulani and you come here to eat yam?”

Villagers are being killed in their numbers by the terrorist Fulani herdsmen. When the army is not killing and abducting our people in the name of Python Dance and Crocodile Smile, they are shooting them at checkpoints over 100 naira bribe. The police kill even over 20 naira. Yet our politicians keep a blind eye, seeking pleasure at the expense of the people’s life.

READ ALSO: Biafra: The Price of Treachery and Sabotage

Rather than attend the just concluded Biafra Genocide Exhibition in London, former Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, flew to Nuremberg, Germany, feast. Why any reasonable man – a senator come to that – would choose a house of feast over a very vital gathering of sober reflection such as Biafra Genocide Exhibition remains a baffle. Does such an act really cast the senator as one mindful of history and wellbeing of his people? The pleasure-seeking senator seems ignorant of the biblical injunction, “rather to be in the house of mourning, than in the house of feasting,” (Ecclesiastes 7:2). The treatment he got though seems to be a brain-resetting one.

What happened to erstwhile Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, is an expression of dissatisfaction; a reminder to the elite that power belongs to the people. Those in position of authority should therefore use it to the benefit of the common man whom they serve.

Contact us: [email protected]
Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

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