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Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom

The White House | Issued On: June 2, 2020

Published on June 3, 2020 | The Biafra Times

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. (a) Religious freedom, America’s first freedom, is a moral and national security imperative. Religious freedom for all people worldwide is a foreign policy priority of the United States, and the United States will respect and vigorously promote this freedom. As stated in the 2017 National Security Strategy, our Founders understood religious freedom not as a creation of the state, but as a gift of God to every person and a right that is fundamental for the flourishing of our society.

(b) Religious communities and organizations, and other institutions of civil society, are vital partners in United States Government efforts to advance religious freedom around the world. It is the policy of the United States to engage robustly and continually with civil society organizations — including those in foreign countries — to inform United States Government policies, programs, and activities related to international religious freedom.

Sec. 2. Prioritization of International Religious Freedom. Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of State (Secretary) shall, in consultation with the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), develop a plan to prioritize international religious freedom in the planning and implementation of United States foreign policy and in the foreign assistance programs of the Department of State and USAID.

Sec. 3. Foreign Assistance Funding for International Religious Freedom. (a) The Secretary shall, in consultation with the Administrator of USAID, budget at least $50 million per fiscal year for programs that advance international religious freedom, to the extent feasible and permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations. Such programs shall include those intended to anticipate, prevent, and respond to attacks against individuals and groups on the basis of their religion, including programs designed to help ensure that such groups can persevere as distinct communities; to promote accountability for the perpetrators of such attacks; to ensure equal rights and legal protections for individuals and groups regardless of belief; to improve the safety and security of houses of worship and public spaces for all faiths; and to protect and preserve the cultural heritages of religious communities.

(b) Executive departments and agencies (agencies) that fund foreign assistance programs shall ensure that faith-based and religious entities, including eligible entities in foreign countries, are not discriminated against on the basis of religious identity or religious belief when competing for Federal funding, to the extent permitted by law.

Sec. 4. Integrating International Religious Freedom into United States Diplomacy. (a) The Secretary shall direct Chiefs of Mission in countries of particular concern, countries on the Special Watch List, countries in which there are entities of particular concern, and any other countries that have engaged in or tolerated violations of religious freedom as noted in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom required by section 102(b) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-292), as amended (the “Act”), to develop comprehensive action plans to inform and support the efforts of the United States to advance international religious freedom and to encourage the host governments to make progress in eliminating violations of religious freedom.

(b) In meetings with their counterparts in foreign governments, the heads of agencies shall, when appropriate and in coordination with the Secretary, raise concerns about international religious freedom and cases that involve individuals imprisoned because of their religion.

(c) The Secretary shall advocate for United States international religious freedom policy in both bilateral and multilateral fora, when appropriate, and shall direct the Administrator of USAID to do the same.

Sec. 5. Training for Federal Officials. (a) The Secretary shall require all Department of State civil service employees in the Foreign Affairs Series to undertake training modeled on the international religious freedom training described in section 708(a) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-465), as amended by section 103(a)(1) of the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act (Public Law 114-281).

(b) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the heads of all agencies that assign personnel to positions overseas shall submit plans to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, detailing how their agencies will incorporate the type of training described in subsection (a) of this section into the training required before the start of overseas assignments for all personnel who are to be stationed abroad, or who will deploy and remain abroad, in one location for 30 days or more.

(c) All Federal employees subject to these requirements shall be required to complete international religious freedom training not less frequently than once every 3 years.

Sec. 6. Economic Tools. (a) The Secretary and the Secretary of the Treasury shall, in consultation with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and through the process described in National Security Presidential Memorandum-4 of April 4, 2017 (Organization of the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and Subcommittees), develop recommendations to prioritize the appropriate use of economic tools to advance international religious freedom in countries of particular concern, countries on the Special Watch List, countries in which there are entities of particular concern, and any other countries that have engaged in or tolerated violations of religious freedom as noted in the report required by section 102(b) of the Act. These economic tools may include, as appropriate and to the extent permitted by law, increasing religious freedom programming, realigning foreign assistance to better reflect country circumstances, or restricting the issuance of visas under section 604(a) of the Act.

(b) The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may consider imposing sanctions under Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017 (Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption), which, among other things, implements the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328).

Sec. 7. Definitions. For purposes of this order:

(a) “Country of particular concern” is defined as provided in section 402(b)(1)(A) of the Act;

(b) “Entity of particular concern” is defined as provided in section 301 of the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act (Public Law 114-281);

(c) “Special Watch List” is defined as provided in sections 3(15) and 402(b)(1)(A)(iii) of the Act; and

(d) “Violations of religious freedom” is defined as provided in section 3(16) of the Act.

Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


June 2, 2020.

The Biafra Times
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
Contact us: [email protected]

Monday, 13 January 2020

BREAKING: Gowon Opens Up, Says Nigeria Violated The "ABURI ACCORD"

BREAKING: Gowon Opens Up, Says Nigeria Violated The "ABURI ACCORD"

In a recent interview conducted by Channels Television in Nigeria, retired General Yakubu Gowon eventually owned up to the truth after more than forty years, to state that the late People's General, late Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu, had insisted that on "Aburi Accord", he stood. But he, Yakubu Gowon, being the then Nigerian Military Head of State, totally objected to that laudable agreement reached at Aburi in Ghana.

Recall that the violation of the "Aburi Accord" by the Gowon-led federal military government of Nigeria, triggered off the most brutal and genocidal war ever known in human history, which claimed over five million (5,000,000) innocent Biafran lives including children, women, men and the elderly, with properties worth billions of US dollars, wantonly destroyed. It is good that at last, the arch-genocidist himself, retired General Yakubu Gowon, has finally opened up in life time, to clearly speak the truth to the world, of what and who actually caused the reckless slaughtering of Biafrans by the Nigerian forces which were fully aided by Britain and her foreign allies.

Beneath is General Yakubu Gowon's narratives of how Nigeria under his leadership, violated an agreement that would have saved the souls of millions of innocent Biafrans gruesomely killed between 1967 and 1970.

Please click on this video and watch.

Family Writers Press International

BIAFRA: CNN Should Tell The World About Biafrans' Support To President Donald Trump

BIAFRA:  CNN Should Tell The World About Biafrans' Support To President Donald Trump

It is really unfortunate that up till date, a well renowned media organization in the capacity of Cable News Network (CNN), yet exhibits mischievousness in it's reportage and dissemination of information. This height of unethical practice was displayed internationally when this media giant reported the love and the unflinching support Biafrans globally, give to President Donald Trump of the United States of America. It was recently and biasedly reported that such unprecedented support was given by Nigerians. If the so-called Pew Research Center (CNN), could feign ignorance of the true identity of the people that have consistently staked their lives for the USA President since 2016 during and after the presidential election that fetched him victory, to January 2017, then this media organization is really not worth it's onions. The Nigerian Islamic government through it's jihadist police force, army and other sister security agencies killed, maimed and detained hundreds of family members of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), in Port Harcourt City, Biafraland, for peacefully and justifiably rallying in solidarity with President Donald Trump.

Biafrans have continued to give him support till date for his courageous stance on equity and justice in the world. CNN as a global media organization, cannot in anyway, claim ignorance of the real identity of the people. Unfortunately, it has mischievously, in it's biasness and falsehood, recently referred to these Biafrans as Nigerians, perhaps to justify the huge financial settlements it has so far gained from the corrupt Nigerian Islamic government. Professionally, could the CNN News Editor boldly say that he/she does not know or have the facts that the Nigerian Islamic government detests President Donald Trump because of his insistence that radical Islam and terrorism must be curtailed if not totally crushed in our world?

It is well known globally, that in any slightest upheaval, Nigerians always set American flags and other national symbols, ablaze, to register their hate against whatever the United States of America represents. During the Biafrans' Solidarity Rally for Trump in the month of January 2017, at Port Harcourt, it is still on record that the combined team of well armed Nigerian Army, Police and officials of the Department of Security Services (DSS), confiscated all the US flags at the possession of the rallying Biafrans and brazenly burnt them in broad daylight. This further demonstrated the hatred of Nigerians even in uniform, against President Donald Trump. So Nigerians are given to burning the American flags on several occasions against the interest and values of the American people. The most recent of such dastardly act was when members of Islamic Movement in Nigeria ,burnt American flags in a broad daylight in Abuja, Nigeria, to protest the killing of the Iranian terrorist Army General, Qassem Soleimani by US airstrikes.

If therefore there is any organization that deserves to be corrected for making the ancient people of Biafra as "Nigerians" in their news research delivery and presentation, it should be the obscure PEW RESEARCH CENTER which floated the research work by saying that "Kenyans" and "Nigerians" have more confidence in President Donald Trump. This is because most of these organizations are grossly being misled by Western World Mainstream Media Outlets like CNN, being referred herein for calling the people of Biafra, "Nigerians". It is quite obvious that the Nigerian government is hugely spending on CNN to ensure that news presentations are craftily being made to cover the true identity of Biafrans and as well, to do everything possible to thwart the Biafra restoration struggle through misleading news reportage.

However, it is important to put the record straight here. It is the Biafran people that are forcefully being encaged in the Nigerian contraption, which is under the firm control of Fulani cabals, that support President Donald Trump and that they will continually do until he reciprocates by out rightly telling the Nigerian Islamic government to take off it's hands from the concerns of the people through political independence. It is never Nigerians as it was deceitfully presented through the Pew Research Center and reported in the news bulletin of CNN, that gave and yet giving the US President, his required support. Nigerians, as a matter of fact, do not hide their hatred for President Trump and the American government based on his opposition against Islamic radicalism. CNN should correct that misleading narrative as carried in it's news presentation. It is Biafrans that support President Donald Trump and not Nigerians. It is completely mischievous and against journalistic ethics to float such falsehood.

For more information go to Google search type "Biafrans for Trump" and run your own research.

Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press International

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Iran vs USA: Eyes on Africa as Iran looks to hit US interests

Iranian demonstrators chant slogans during a protest in Tehran on Friday against the killing of the Soleimani, head of the elite Quds Force, and al-Muhandis. (West Asia News Agency/Nazanin Tabatabaee via Reuters)

January 05, 2020 | The Biafra Times

WASHINGTON - Africa could emerge as a venue for confrontation between the U.S. and Iran as Tehran threatens to retaliate after the U.S. airstrike that killed the Iranian Quds Force commander, General Qassem Soleimani.

Iran has sought to increase its influence in certain countries in Africa in recent years through activities such as arms sales, training fighters for combat in the Middle East and funding Shia sects. It also has significant trade relations with several countries, including South Africa.

Phillip Smyth, a Soref Fellow at The Washington Institute who studies Shia Islamist militarism, said that he does not necessarily expect the Iranians to strike immediately. He noted that they have historically been cautious and look for what he calls “plausible deniability” to avoid detection when they attack.

When they do strike, he said, it is possible they will look for a soft target in an unexpected location.

“The Iranians are going to want to show that they have influence on a global scale and they may look for low-hanging fruit or easier targets that they can go after,” Smyth said. “And that may very well occur in Africa. And it could very well occur in North America or Europe or in many other places,” he said.

Smyth said Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran, has recruited and trained Nigerians for years. A 2018 report by the Middle East Institute said Iran had instructed Hezbollah to increase its training of Nigerians and hoped to use Nigeria as a base of operations to launch attacks and “thwart Israeli and Western ambitions in the region.”

There have also been West African fighters who, after converting to Shia Islam, traveled and fought alongside Iranians in Syria. Iranians have similarly supported fighters from other parts of the world to join them in various conflicts.

READ ALSO: British govt ‘worst enemy’ of Nigeria - Nnamdi Kanu

“There are tens of thousands of fighters that the Iranians have mobilized and used for conflicts in Iraq, in Syria and in Yemen. They have a very strong alliance and kind of proxy relationship with Ansar Allah, also known as the Houthis. So they have quite an extensive presence and they have continued to try and grow that presence,” Smyth said.

Terror cells

A June 2019 report by the British newspaper The Telegraph said that Iranians were setting up terror cells in Africa under Soleimani’s direction. The paper reported that Iranian cells may be active in Sudan, Chad, Ghana, Niger, The Gambia and the Central African Republic.

However, Ryan Cummings, director of Signal Risk, an Africa-focused political and security risk management consultancy, said there is no evidence to date that Shia groups in Africa pose a threat to the U.S. or the West.

“Groups which have a distinct Shia theology — and which would place them in the orbit of Iran — have demonstrated no intent to carry out acts of violence against U.S./Western interests on the continent despite suggestions that they have embedded in these countries for several years,” he told VOA in a written statement.

Profit motives

Much of Iran’s engagement on the continent is less ideological and more profit-driven. One favored outlet has been weapons smuggling. A 2013 Conflict Armament Research report found Iranian bullets in 14 locations across nine African countries. At the time, the group said Sudan was partnering with Iran to funnel the ammunition to African armed groups.

“There’s actually a whole issue over the past couple of years of Iranian ammunition winding up throughout Africa,” Smyth said. “I mean from east to west. And it was rather interesting how these weapons systems and also the ammunition was arriving there.”

Smyth added that, in some cases, weapons are sent to Somalia, packed in wooden ships known as dhows and then smuggled across the Red Sea to Houthi fighters in Yemen.

Iran has also sought to exert influence on the African continent through religion. One prominent example of this is the Shia sect the Islamic Movement in Nigeria and its controversial leader Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky. The group has been charged with inciting violence and El-Zakzaky has been imprisoned and formally accused by the Nigerian government of trying to form an “Islamic State in Nigeria” with the backing of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

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Although Africa does not appear to be a focal point of the emerging conflict between Iran and the U.S., that could change. Smyth noted that al-Qaida linked groups historically sought to attack U.S. interests in Africa, viewing it as a more favorable operating environment for terror groups. This occurred in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania and a 2002 attack against an Israeli-owned hotel and a failed attempt to shoot down a passenger jet taking off from Mombassa, Kenya.

“People will look at the continent and say, ‘Can we smuggle weapons in, are there populations there that we can target, do they have lower security, how is the connection that goes back to, let’s say, the Israeli, or back to the Americans,’“ Smyth said.

He added that Iran will not want to damage its own trade and diplomatic relations in Africa but it will look for ways to make a loud and, possibly violent, statement.

“They don’t want to harm their other interests in the continent. However, I believe, if push came to shove, and if they really thought it would be a good place to get their revenge, they may actually pick the continent to do it on,” he said.

Source: Salem Solomon | VOA News

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Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Instagram: biafrawriters
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Nnamdi Kanu’s North America Tour, a Dismissal of Nigerian Government’s Malicious Tag

By Nelson Ofokar Yagazie | Biafra Writers

June 8, 2019

They first arrested him, and after series of torture in DSS dungeon, confined him in Kuje Prison. Two years in prison without conviction, he was released. Then, on September 14, 2017, his house was invaded by a battalion of soldiers with the sole intent of sniffing life out of him. Twenty-eight of his men were killed in the process. However, by some streak of luck, he escaped. The soldiers that did that were never brought to justice, nor were they called terrorists. But after his reemergence, the cabal running Nigerian government tagged him a terrorist and declared him wanted. For surviving the attack, he becomes a terrorist.

The terrible thing with Nigerians is that they see evil but keep silent. And although in its natural sense, keeping silent in the face of evil is being supportive of that evil, in Nigeria’s case, one observes, keeping silent is being modest, for a terrifying number of them don’t just keep silent, they blatantly support the evil. Government agents would perpetrate evil, and instead of condemning the evil and its doer, the people will turn around to blame the victim. And so it has been with the case between Nigeria’s government and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Everybody knows Kanu is innocent of all accusations, everybody sees the government’s truncation of rule of law and brazen travesty of justice. Everyone saw the attempt on his life. Yet, those who aren’t publically supporting his execution keep tight lips, not realizing that when we refuse to kill the snake that bit our neighbour because we don’t like our neighbour’s face, one day the snake will return to bite us..

Well, those that believe in One-Nigeria refused to rise up against the military invasion of Kanu’s house just as they refused to condemn the government’s contempt of court in his trials. When it was confirmed that Kanu survived the attack, the government proceeded to slam a terrorist tag on him, concomitantly declaring him wanted. In their calculation, such tag would make him vulnerable internationally and would make it easier to persuade international bodies to pick him up and hand him over to them. How wrong they are. Kanu lives freely in the holy city of Israel, Jerusalem, from where he travels the world freely.

Since that spiteful tag, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has toured UK, Belgium, Germany and USA, and is currently in Canada from where he will return to Israel. Yet, back in the British Zoo nicknamed Nigeria, he is tagged a terrorist and declared wanted. Pertinent questions then arise: if Kanu is truly a terrorist as tagged in Nigeria, how is it that the entire civilized world allows him to walk their land? How is it that they grant him freedom of association? Which terrorist enjoys such freedom of movement and association?

Is there no Interpol to arrest him? Does Nigeria no longer have diplomatic ties with Britain? Kanu has toured London, Manchester and Leeds; what stopped British police from bundling him and sending him back to Nigeria? USA is one of the top fighters of terrorism round the world, yet Kanu has toured Atlanta, New York, Huston, and Maryland. If really he is a terrorist, why would a country like USA allow him such freedom of movement round their land? Don’t forget both his British passport and Nigerian passport were seized by DSS, prompting Israel to present him with another travel document. Come to think of it, what manner of a terrorist would Israeli government provide travel document for?

It thus follows that the civilized world recognizes Kanu as the freedom fighter he is. Nigeria tagged him a terrorist as a pretext to execute him and continue to enslave Biafra. It is painful that even the so-called educated class who ought to know better are swept along in this madness of Nigerian government. That you do not believe in the Biafra idea is not an enough reason to effectuate evil against a people who choose to exercise their right to self-determination.

The Biafra Times
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
Contact us: [email protected]

Friday, 24 August 2018

The Detention Of Biafran Women In Prison, A Result Of Failure Of International Communities And World Leaders To Acknowledge Biafra’s Unique Self Determination

By Eluwa Chidiebere Chinazu | Biafra Writers

August 24, 2018

It is evidently clear that leaders around the world has lost hold on good leadership. Even the so-called world powers have gone mute overnight. This silence from these international bodies shall no doubt go down in history as the vilest thing that would ever happen to world peace. It shall be an undebatable fact that shall justify the virtuousness and legality of any group that may toe the part of violence in fighting for their freedom in the future. Truly, the world is encouraging violence, war etc. towards achieving freedom by keeping silent over the killing and incarceration of the Biafran people.

The height of this incarceration is colossal and has lingered unabated by virtue of the intentional silence emanating from the international bodies and world leaders. 114 Biafran women (predominantly mothers) languishing in jail amongst them is a pregnant woman, thousands of IPOB activists are wasting away in different prisons in Nigeria, thousands killed and many deformed etc. and the international communities and world leaders are turning a blind eye to all these inhumane and degrading treatments meted on the good people of Biafra who have been peaceful in their approach as requested by the same international bodies that made the laws.

In Biafra land, every Biafran has come to the realization that what drives and nurtures this grave silence from these bodies and world powers is the oil money which the Nigerian government is lavishing to feed them fat in order to seal their mouth not to uphold the tenets of the laws they themselves made. All of them bar none is as corrupt as Nigeria when it comes to Biafra issues.

America should know that people are undistinguished in life until they have made a name and so, America is not exempted. Of course, he that drums for a madman is himself a madman. The United States of America has been supplying the Nigerian State with the ammunition used in the decimation of the poor masses, ethnic cleansing by the Fulani Herdsmen and the gross killing of the Biafrans with impunity. It's said that a man is known by the company of friends he keeps and so this ennobling relationship between American government and the monstrous Nigerian government should be checkmated to ascertain the ulterior motive behind it because the bush does not sway unless there is wind.

What does the word "immunity" stands for in today's world? Is it immunity to kill at will, molest people, immunity to terrorize without punishing the perpetrators, or immunity to encroach on people's right? If that is the case, a time will come when there would be an uprising, when people will jettison peacefulness and embrace violence since impartiality cannot be allowed to reign. This is because, we have failed to understand that we all are human beings and as such, a cooking pot for the chameleon is also a cooking pot for the lizard.

Since Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) have epitomized peacefulness beyond measure in exercising their right to self-determination, since they have been proclaimed the most peaceful freedom fighting outfit in the world, everybody expects the international communities and world leaders to use them as an example by giving them their freedom. This will enable those believing in violent means as the only criteria to attain their objectives to think twice. This in nutshell, will shape the face of the world. Unless the world is toeing the part of violence.

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Friday, 13 October 2017


By Bar. Ifeanyi Ejiofor ESQ.
October 2017.
The High Commissioner,
British High Commission,
19, Torrens Close,
Dear Sir,


We are Solicitors to the family of HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Eze Isreal Okwu-Kanu hereinafter referred to as “Our Client” and on whose standing instruction we file this communication with the British Government.

It is our brief, that on the 8th day of October, 2017, our Client’s son’s home (Nnamdi Kanu) in Afaraukwu Ibeku, Umuahia, in Abia State was invaded, and violently looted by rampaging Nigerian Soldiers and their police counterparts.

he CCTV footage which picked the horrendous raids, revealed the brazen looting and carting away of valuables and household equipments by the above named security agents.

The raid and consequent looting in the home of our Client’s son, (a British Citizen) by the Soldiers and their Police counterparts does not enjoy the protection, backing, and legitimacy of any known legislative enactment in Nigeria, more so, when there are various pending Law suits, instituted at the Federal High Court Abuja, Nigeria, challenging, on the whole, the initial murderous invasion of Nnamdi Kanu’s home by the Nigerian Soldiers, his abduction from his home or his possible elimination by the rampaging troops, request for Court order to compel the Nigerian Military to produce Nnamdi Kanu in court, and also Law Suit requesting the Court to vacate the Exparte order purportedly proscribing Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB) and their designation as a terrorist organization. We may not conveniently dwell extensively on the details of this law Suit as it is lis pendens.

Till date, neither our Client’s family members nor Solicitors has been able to establish any form of contact with Nnamdi Kanu since the murderous invasion of his home on the 14th September 2017, by the trigger happy soldiers. It is therefore, not unlikely, that he may have been killed in the well coordinated bloody onslaught in his home.

It is reasonably expected Sir, that the Nigerian Government should respect the judicial process and allow the status quo to subsist, pending the determination of the above referenced cases, instead of resorting to brute but inordinate means to intimidate further, and harass the already havoc-wrecked members of our client’s family.

The attached unimpeachable CCTV footage picked clearly the horrendous activity of these rampaging security personnel in the home of our client.

Very apposite to bring to the attention of the British Government, that on the 10th day of October 2017, the Federal Government of Nigeria deliberately failed to show appearance in the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice Abuja, to defend, USD$800, Million Suit filed by Nnamdi Kanu, since 2016, for reparation on account of gross violation of his Fundamental Rights. For inexplicable reasons not grounded in Law or practice, the matter was for the 3rd time, adjourned at the instance of the Federal Government of Nigeria, who is desperately frustrating the proceedings of the court using their overbearing influence.

Suit challenging the purported proscription of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and its branding as a terrorist organization is pending before the very Court that issued the obnoxious order. Despite timeous steps taken to ensure that the order of proscription made without jurisdiction, is promptly revisited, it was now scheduled for hearing on the 23rd day of October, 2017. This is despite the fact that the Exparte Order purportedly proscribing the Indigenous People of Biafra was obtained the same day the Originating Process was filed in the same Court by the Attorney General of the Federation of Nigeria.

The British Government is respectfully advised to treat the most touted proscription of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) with greatest circumspect as the legality or otherwise of such exercise is now a subject of litigation. It cannot stand because the entire process culminating to the granting of the order is laden with high powered conspiracy, double standard, and bad faith. It is more so, when the order in question is now being challenged in Suit No FHC/ABJ/CS/871/2017, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION VS INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA (IPOB), and slated for hearing on the 23rd day of October, 2017.

We therefore commend the British Government in particular, and other responsible foreign Governments for rising up to the occasion in their uniform condemnation of the murderous military onslaught in the South Eastern States of Nigeria, particularly the bloody raid on Nnamdi Kanu’s home, and proscription of Indigenous People of Biafra.

The Federal Government of Nigeria is under obligation to furnish the British Government with the particulars of Nnamdi Kanu’s current state. The question on Nnamdi Kanu’s whereabouts has continued to beg for an answer, which must be answered by the authority that invaded his home on the 14th day of September, 2017, and shot many unarmed and defenseless civilians dead, while many were abducted alive.

The British Government is therefore, most respectfully invited to prevail on the Nigerian Government to suspend further untoward activities in Nnamdi Kanu’s home, and to return without further ado, all his private properties looted on the 8th day of October, 2017.

It is our further prayers that the Nigerian Government should be requested to produce our Client’s son (Nnamdi Kanu) whose whereabouts could not be accounted for, after the murderous raid in his home on the 14th September, 2017 or release the corpse to our Client for befitting burial if he was killed in the murderous attack.

It is our hope that the British Government will most respectfully treat our request with utmost urgency deserving in the circumstance.
Accept the assurances of our deepest regards Sir.

Yours Faithfully,
Hon. Ifeanyi Ejiofor Esq.
(Principal Partner)

The Biafra Times
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
Contact us: [email protected]

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Biafra: Kanu’s Whereabouts; Man gives account of military invasion on Kanu’s residence

...Says they fired series of shot at his bedroom window, may have killed him and taken his body away.

By Chijindu Benjamin Ukah || For Biafra Writers

October 5, 2017

An eyewitness account who watched as events unfolded during the Nigerian army’s invasion at the home of leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, in Afaraukwu, Umuahia, has given a firsthand information of what transpired during the sudden invasion.

The man who identified himself as Agwu Emmanuel, in this interview with Biafra Writers Correspondent, feared the IPOB leader must have been killed by the Army during the attack in his home.

It is pathetic that the ever-lying Nigerian army authorities thinks they can deceive the world into believing that they never invaded nor broke into the house of leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Director of Radio Biafra and Biafra TV, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
 The following ensued after an interview with an eye witness:

Reporter: May we know your name sir?

My name is Agwu Emmanuel
We learnt that you are one the people who were at Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s house when Nigerian army invaded and broke into his house, can you share with us what happened on that day?

The incident started around 9am on 14th September when I and two of my friends were sent to the bank, on our way back, along the government house Umuahia, opposite Diamond Bank, we saw some Nigerian soldiers in a van, and sighting us they started shouting “heh! stop there, stop there”, we didn’t know they were talking to us so we kept going, immediately people started running and as we turned to look back, it was Nigerian soldiers jumping down from their van and at the same time cocking their guns facing us.

In a twinkle of an eye, they opened fire at us, instantly they shot dead one of my friends and push the other one down. From a distance I watched them carry two of my friends away in their van. How I escaped their rain of bullets is still a miracle to me.

Around 4pm that same day, I was resting in the palace and all of a sudden, I heard “they are coming, they are coming”. Before the next minute, I started hearing heavy gunshots. I ran outside the gate, lo and behold it was the Nigerian army. They started shooting from the junction after Flow FM radio station Umuahia, and continued shooting until they got to the gate of our leader Mazi Nnamdi kanu, they were shooting for about 1hr and 30minutes.

We tried to resist them from breaking into our leader’s house with stones, sticks and anything we could lay our hands on, but they brought all kinds of ammunition that I have never seen before, the type of ammunition I saw is the type that should be used for war. They were shooting live bullets and firing teargas at the same time, threw us hand grenade and when they saw that their bullets were not getting at us they started shooting us with the machine gun on their ferret and armoured tank, they also fired 32mm shelling at us. I have the pictures of some of the cup of the bullets they fired at us.

When they tried to open the gate of Nnamdi Kanu’s residence, it was difficult for them, they had to use their armoured car to push it open. They shot into some neighbours houses too.

They killed a lot of Biafrans on sight, male and female and left many wounded. I saw people’s brain busted with bullets, they were killing and carrying the dead bodies into their long truck, they carried more dead bodies when they left. They killed fowl and dog, broke into all the rooms including Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s room and destroyed many things. They stole some of our phones and destroyed the ones they could not take.

They went as far as tracing our wounded brothers and sisters at Federal Medical Center (FMC) Umuahia, to finish them up.

R: When all these are happening, were you armed?

No. If we were armed, none of them could have left alive, because we are Biafrans and we are born warriors. They know how far we resisted them with bare hands.

R: Was Mazi Nnamdi Kanu at home when the Nigerian army came?

Yes, he was at home. We were all there with him. His father and mother were there also.

R: Do you think he was killed by the rampaging soldiers?

Yes. If they didn’t, he would have spoken to Biafrans but we have not heard from him. I am afraid they may have killed him and carried his body because they fired a bullet at his bedroom window and that window is exactly at the position of his bedside. That is also an indication that they came with first-hand information from an insider.

This is the worst experience I have ever had in my life and it is only the grace of the most high Chukwu Okike Abiama that kept me alive to tell the story.

R: After all these experience, are you going to continue in your quest for Biafra freedom?

Yes, I am determined now more than ever, even if it means giving my life for Biafra to come, I will count it all joy. “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees”, moreover, the blood shed by my brothers and sisters are pushing me to fight on and I will not retreat nor surrender.

Edited By Chukwuemeka Chimerue
The Biafra Times
Contact us: [email protected]


Monday, 2 October 2017


October 2, 2017

More than once I have tried to picture myself in the position you are in right now but cannot since my house was not the one riddled with bone tearing and iron breaking bullets nor did I witness the terror unleashed on your whole household that snuffed out many innocent lives. The nature and magnitude of this terror cannot be accurately described since your whereabout still remains a mystery. A mystery that has inevitably impregnated my mind with bone-shilling thoughts; so scary that I yield to any distraction to keep my mind free from them. For I want to continue to believe that air still runs down your lungs and blood still moves in your arteries and veins.

Even as I contemplate what your condition presently is, even as my imagination flutters back and forth, my mind is fixated on the revolutionary fire you have set that tunnels through all nooks and crannies. Your indomitable courage is indelibly ingrained in my mind as a reminder of a man persuaded and led by power beyond the atmospheric enclave. A transcendent power. It does not only engulf him completely but shields his eyes and numb his senses against the turbulent wind of fear that is ever present and strikes with incurable paralysis.

You have shown to be a man whose mind is sophisticatedly layered to fend off the relentless impulses of doubt and hold strong to that stance, that belief, for which men of mental construct of a rare genre live and die for. I am not a member of your camaraderie.

Read Also: IPOB: Orji Uzor Kalu: The Quintessential Hausa Fulani Slave, A Drowning Man, Looking For Where To Perch

Even so, your message of Biafran actualization and liberation made a deep impression upon me and I concur even as the sinuous road to it lengthens and the hills grow into rocky mountains. It is a reality that the means to achieving a great thing as a shining city on the hill, a treasure trove of peace and joy, a land of equity and justice, could be herculean and frustrating and more so fraught with diverse dimensions of danger. But the very thought that it shall come to pass is about the same as being in paradise.

For one thing, I do not and will not idolize a man, but I know a man of uncommon mental and spiritual configuration when I see one. You are a man of extraordinary giftedness who understands that the situation of his people is as critical as it is possible to imagine.

As your message dominates the airwaves, it resonates with many, whereas many others consider it the worst onslaught that has ever been loose upon Nigeria. Therefore, the latter trump up charges of grandiloquent harangues and rhetorical flimflam against you. They see your rhetoric as a sign of your faulty moral character and antisocial mentality. They feel wounded and have every right in the world to make their side of the story as believable as possible. To a degree I see reasons with their feelings, but in view of the underlying reasons for your style of operation, I have no doubt as to the harmlessness and genuineness yet effectiveness of your message.

Read Also: Biafra: Another victim of Nigerian army's brutality, recounts his ordeals at Bori Camp ...Says a Lady was killed in the process

Your message may have come across as aggressive and divisive, but in it, nevertheless, are trappings of methods. Generally, your message has always been within the paramters of vindicating the honor of your people faced with the worst and cruel political establishment. And So completely and quickly does your message makes a great deal of impact as soon as the wave picks it up. Frankly, it leaves glimpses of hope in the minds of the masses. It nurtures them to health — those that toil tirelessly all day and at sunset go home with only a meal for the night. Most specifically, those whose children cry in a stereotypical silence of the voiceless; cries unmistakably detected through their melancholy facial expressions and malnourished and lethargic body frames. Their cries are not for the money to celebrate their birthdays, neither are they for the upkeep of an extravagant lifestyle, nor buy nice clothes, but for food and education. More annoyingly, their cries are for justice and fairness.

More than anything else, you have made the afflictions of your people yours and also your vicarious responsibility to stem them out. The very fact that you have stayed faithful thus far is an avowal of your devotion to this cause. By mere human understanding, the cause is a slippery slope from insanity to destruction. But the vision upon which it rests transcends all realms of negative energies.

Those in disagreement often create a fantastic effigy of theirs and then pass judgment on you and your motive. Yet you are undeterred. You have shone light on all hidden things. The darkness is dispersed and the daylight is crowded with nakedness of different sort. The cabal cannot hide no more. So they are ‘pissed off’ as ‘hell’. Now the tail is wagging the dog. It is no more business as usual. Yes; I say more power to your elbow. Yet again, Nnamdi, my mind is troubled as your whereabout is still unknown.

Read Also: Biafra: Gov. Ikpeazu scavenges for IPOB civilians in Abia, vows to halt their activities

I see shadows of startling darkness when the imagination of your present state creeps into my mind. It is right down gloomy. I really wish not to think it so; in all honesty I do. But considering the bloodthirstiness of those that invaded your home, those murderous gangs of Nigerian army, the most brutal and ruthless set of creatures, the outcome can only be said to be anything but compassionate. Be that as it may, you are a revolutionary icon; a paragon of change. If it happens that you have called it a quit, though I sincerely hope not, we will surely continue from where you left off.

Sourse: Trailreporters
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
The Biafra Times
Contact us: [email protected]

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


By Russell Idatoru Bluejack

September 27, 2017

The real problem with Nigeria, it has been observed, is the graveyard quietness that follows every miscreance by our corrupt leaders. Nigerians are the worst set of humans when it comes to reaction to glaringly bad deeds by those we call leaders. Nigerians, I make bold to say, are ready to break through the wall when pushed to it. When Prof. Niyi Osundare wrote "HERE NOTHING WORKS," he actually had the docility and passivity of the masses in mind. The only time Nigerians are bold enough to say something is when someone musters the seemingly elusive and evasive hardihood to question some misdeeds. He becomes the object of scorn for doing the right thing. For some of the sheepish followers of our bad leaders, those that object are not LOYAL. Aha, loyalty is the word that fans the ember of nepotism, subjugation, alienation, and oppression! Any reaction to misgovernance translates to disloyalty. Let me delve into the forte of this piece.

Nigerians are buzzing like flies before decayed organisms in the face of obvious threat to our facsimile existence as a nation. Buhari's hatred for an ethnic group, backed by the fillip from the Hausa/Fulani cabal and elites, has driven this nation to the point of serious international watch. In his quest to evince his baseless hatred for the Igbo and any other ethnicity situated outside the North, he hastily and illicitly proscribed unarmed and victimized agitators for freedom. Extending his angst, he went ahead to label them terrorist after having sicced the Fulani members of the Armed Forces at them. What Buhari and his co-travelers seem not to understand is that the world knows when a supposed leader becomes a ruler and tyrant. The Buhari-led APC government is on the brink of being blacklisted internationally, for it is an international crime for a nation to disagree with the UN, EU, US, and even the UK all at once.

A situation where Nigeria and the international community are on parallel lines as to the legality of the terrorism label on IPOB is very ugly and precarious. The invasion of Libya and Iraq for the onward extermination of Gaddafi and Hussein, respectively, was the aftermath of such disagreement. Buhari, a President even more fragile, should begin to be presidential before it becomes too late. Those applauding his misdeeds are not his friends: they are the real potential beneficiaries of whatever will befall him. No president the world over is more knowledgeable than the UN and US. I heard of a serious behind-closed-doors international confabulation between Trump and his Israeli counterpart, and word has it that Biafra was the topic. These are are very dark days for Buhari and Nigeria. It is not too late for Nigeria.

Read Also: Biafra: Gov. Ikpeazu scavenges for IPOB civilians in Abia, vows to halt their activities

Any attempt to gazette the internationally proscribed and condemned terrorism label on the peaceful indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) will meet a very stiff and vehement reaction from World Power. No nation can by itself label an organization terrorism, without the examination and justified viva of the international community. If this government were under the control of sapient and intelligent operators, they would have known that terrorism is never limited to any particular nation. The world is too wise and exposed to mouth and swallow the bitter pills of labeling an unarmed organization, which activities are globally known, terrorist. Sometimes I wonder what Buhari was thinking when he made an attempt to get the nod of the international community. Did he think he had them under his control? Meanwhile this is the same Buhari that was summarily apprehended in London in 2015, prior to the presidential election, for the massacre of thousands over his loss in 2011. That case is still breathing in the ICC pending when his diplomatic immunity as a sitting President will elapse. There is a plenitude of cases against Buhari in various courts all over the world. Someone should call this man, or whoever is in Aso Rock, to order before things get irredeemably bad for this ersatz fabrication we call nation. Nigeria is a concocted country, not a nation. Buhari's malfeasances are making that clearer.

The only crime the IPOB has committed is asking for freedom from this fortress called Nigeria. Doing this without resorting to arms is one reason Buhari's hate-induced terrorism label will continue to run into moral, legal, religious, and diplomatic brick walls. It is indubitable that the real crime the IPOB has committed against this government is its activism in the East coupled with its readiness to reach out its sister region, the South-South. The arrowhead of the refined and reinvigorated struggle for restoration of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, as well as its stakeholders worldwide, has taken the struggle a step further to the chagrin of those that plunder the resources of the sister regions. Interestingly, this malicious attempt to clamp down on these peaceful agitators has boomeranged. The struggle has snowballed into a globally-recognised agitation, making it impossible for Buhari to have his way anymore. Nigerians should warn Buhari before he completely blacklists Nigeria. The news bit US-based NBC about the corrupt anti-corruption war of this government does not augur well for the APC-led FGN. Nigeria is in the doldrums, economically and diplomatically. Things have really fallen apart. There is always dire consequence for shedding innocent blood in the guise of fighting corruption. Nigeria is being haunted by spirits of innocents that were brutally killed.


Lastly, our Buhari evoked the ire of the international community when he said little or nothing about the AREWA threat to the Igbo domiciled and doing business in the North. Buhari's criminal silence on that quit notice, preferring instead to pummel the peaceful IPOB on the basis of region, betrayed his tribalism and religious fundamentalism. The international community, even Britain, saw the glaring nepotism and division. Buhari embodies everything the 21st century world is against. As Buhari chases after the IPOB, the economy of Nigeria takes a deeper plunge. What we have is an elusive object of Buhari's scorn (the Igbo) versus a receding nation that is heading for DEPRESSION. What some of us still fail to recollect is that Donald Trump, POTUS, has not forgot that several unarmed Biafrans were chased and killed in Port Harcourt for celebrating his victory. Nigeria is fondly remembered for such nasty deed. If you were Trump, would you forgive? Buhari and his cronies should make hay while the sun shines because a stitch in time saves nine. A word is enough for the wise. A stubborn fly joins the corpse in the pit. Biafra has survived for several years. Any attempt to kill her enlivens her. Biafra is the proverbial cat with nine lives. You cannot stop a struggle that is both national and international.

 All hail Biafra!

The Biafra Times
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
Contact us: [email protected]

Monday, 25 September 2017

Biafra: Another victim of Nigerian army's brutality, recounts his ordeals at Bori Camp ...Says a Lady was killed in the process

By Chijindu Benjamin Ukah, Reporting || For Biafra Writers

September 26, 2017

The Nigerian army under the administration of Dictator Muhammadu Buhari has continued unabated to harass, intimidate, abduct and kill peaceful and defenseless Biafrans.

The following ensued in an interview granted to Biafra Writers Reporter by a victim molested by the Nigerian army.

Reporter: May we know your name Sir?
My name is Kenneth Chibuike.

R: Can you share what transpired between you and the Nigerian army?
On Monday, 18th September, my boss called me at about 6:38am to come to Umuahia to work with him, on my way to Umuahia we were stopped by some Nigerian soldiers at Ntinya junction. Immediately, they dragged our driver out from the bus and started flogging him with Koboko, asking him why he hung a Biafra flag on the windscreen of his car, he told them it has been there for a long time and removing it will damage his windscreen. They continued beating him and ordered everybody to come down from the bus.

R: How many were you in the Bus?
We were eighteen (18) passengers and the driver made us nineteen (19).

Read Also: BIAFRA: Violence, Bloodshed And Destruction Are The Trademark Of The Northern Cabal

R: What happened when they ordered you to come down from the Bus?
They said that we are going to Nnamdi Kanu’s house to do protest. We tried to explain to them that we are going for our different businesses, each of us tried to explain but they turned deaf ears and told us that when we get to barrack we will explain. Few minutes later, they brought a Hilux van and a bus, ordered all of us into the bus and drove us to an army barrack in Portharcourt.

R: Which army barrack did they take you to?
I was told it is (Bori camp).

R: What happened when they took you to the barrack?
Immediately we got there, they ordered us to give them our phones, when others were dropping their phones; I hid mine and told them that I do not have my phone with me. They ordered us to undress ourselves and lie down. As we were lying down with only pants and singlet both male and female, old and young, they started flogging us with Koboko and heating us with some other objects. In the process, a lady died there. After a while, they left us there and went outside.

R: How did you escape from the barrack?
When they left us and went outside, I quickly called my uncle who is a Nigerian soldier and explained the situation to him, hours later one of the soldiers came, called my name and took me to their office, there I saw my uncle, father and my boss. The army told them that we were going to Nnamdi Kanu’s house for protest that we had a Biafran flag in our car I said no and even showed them my working tools, they told me that I will stay there and receive the punishment until evening.
At about 3:39pm they released me, when I asked them about others, one of the soldiers slapped me and told me that I am lucky to have been released and ordered me to leave his sight. I did not want to go until they release them too but I could not do anything. I am very angry because I do not know whether the army has shot them dead.
Some people I collected the contact of their relatives, one under-aged soldier snatched the contact from me and told me that if I go home and tell people what happened there they will track me down with my phone number.

 Read Also: Biafra: Declaration of IPOB As Terrorists; Using The Fire Brigade Approach Won't Solve The Problem

We are therefore drawing the attention of UN, EU, ECOWAS, Amnesty International, Head of governments of Israel, US, Russia, Chinese government and the world at large, to the inhumane treatment meted against the peaceful Indigenous People of Biafra by the brutish Nigerian army without any provocation. IPOB has the right to self-determination. A call for referendum is not a call for war.

Edited By Chukwuemeka Chimerue
The Biafra Times
Contact us: [email protected]

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


19th September 2017

Press Statement

Nigeria is an enclave without laws something akin to animal farm and ruled at the whims and caprices of the Sokoto Caliphate. Nigeria is the biggest drawback to the emancipation of the black race from their current state of underdevelopment despite the enormous presence of both material and human resources. Nigeria having the highest concentration of black people in one geographic space has made it so impossible to advance both the mental and physical infrastructural development of the African continent resulting in lack of respect for the black man. Nigeria is not only a fantastically corrupt enclave but is as well a place where those who are ruling and those being ruled acquiesce to continue living in mediaeval times when nations and peoples of different color (except the black man or course) are exploring the boundless opportunities of the 21st century. It is essential to lay this background and imperative to assimilate its import in order to put in perspective the current dance of shame by the Nigerian Military in Biafraland.

The Nigerian army is a product of the Nigerian society and therefore it will be asking and expecting too much to assume that the military establishment will be any different from the environment it emanated from, after all the members of this institution are drawn from the same fantastically corrupt enclave. Nigeria and Nigerians are not only corrupt in the classic case of financial mismanagement they are unfortunately fantastically corrupt intellectually as well. This explains why the Nigerian military establishment does not know the fundamental reasons for which it was set up. Nigeria is a place where two opposing and diametrically different legal systems contest for supremacy. On the one hand, you have the sharia law operational in at least 12 states in the Arewa region and on the other hand the fraudulent Abdulsalami Abubakar 1999 Constitution. To make the situation worse, the fraudulent Nigerian Constitution which is regarded as the grund norm guaranteeing certain rights and duties on the citizens is implemented in breach because it is interpreted and applied to the citizens differently depending on which part of the contraption you come from. This explicates why the Nigeria military have decided to abandon its constitutional duties of defending the territorial integrity of the contraption from external attacks to take up not only the duties of the internal security agencies such as the police but also the function of law making as if they are in their comfort zone of decreeing everything decreeable.

The defense headquarters of Nigerian military had on the 15th of September through the director of defense information John Enenche a Major General (office general) declared the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu a terrorist group after enumerating what to him are the reasons which qualify the indigenous People of Biafra as a terrorist group. Wonders shall never end, I am convinced without a doubt that the Nigerian military is completely and sadly I must say out of touch with the real world. Who has ever heard of a whole nation being declared terrorists? We are at alert because we know that this is the prelude to their game plan of commencing their final solution to the Biafran questions which is to commit another genocide against the Indigenous people of Biafra and exterminate them from the face of the earth with the full connivance and support of the British government. When one considers the reasons enumerated by this “Major General John Enenche” that makes the whole Nation of the Indigenous people of Biafra terrorists, you wonder if he and the intellectually corrupt institution he represents are really of this world or from a very distant planet.

According to this “Major General John Enenche” the more than fifty million (50 million) Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) qualified to be tagged terrorist because they among other things blocked public access roads, extorted money from the public, attempted to snatch the riffle of a female soldier and possessed such very dangerous weapons as stones and broken bottles. How pathetic could a “Major General John Enenche” and the Institution he represents be. The truth of the matter is that the peaceful and nonviolent agitation of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has frustrated the Nigerian government from carrying out the wicked plan of the Arewa North of exterminating the Biafran People. Despite continuous provocations, intimidation, harassment and constant killings of peaceful agitators, the Indigenous People of Biafra have remained disciplined and nonviolent in their agitation. Notwithstanding unlawful arrests torture and all forms of inhuman and degrading treatment meted against Biafran people, extra judicial killings some of which are well documented, and rape, by the predominantly Islamic Armed Forces of Nigeria, the indigenous People of Biafra have remained peaceful in the exercise of their inalienable right to Self determination as recognized, enshrined and guaranteed by both the United Nations and the African Union charter. Their frustration that these Nigerian state sponsored acts of violence and instruments of terror to terrify our people into submission or push us into violent agitation which will in turn provide them with the needed ground and excuse to unleash mayhem and massacre us did not achieve their desired and intended purpose was the reason why the Arewa Islamic North working through the Nigerian Islamic military decided to embark upon this journey of no return and having committed these crimes against humanity shamelessly tried to justify their crime by declaring a whole nation of fifty million people as terrorist.

The Directorate of State of the Indigenous People of Biafra under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu uses this medium to alert the International community that at the behest of Muhammadu Buhari the Nigerian Military has embarked upon another round of crime of genocide against the indigenous People of Biafra to exterminate the Biafran people if that is what it will take to stop our peaceful and nonviolent match to freedom. The Nigerian government and its military must understand that no militant or terrorist group will give it the opportunity to come close to the village of its leader not to talk of invading the privacy of his home. The Indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has exposed the fraud called Nigeria by speaking out the truth and challenged the fraudulent establishment. It is this truth that terrorize the slave masters as they behold their estate crumbling before their very eyes.

The complicity of the governors of the South East, the Ohanaeze ndi Igbo in the ongoing genocide against the Indigenous People of Biafra which is driven by envy, jealousy and greed but most especially by cowardice is what has given the Hausa fulani Islamic army the boldness to humiliate, maim and murder our people in cold blood. These people who have sold their souls to the devil seeing as the Biafran people unequivocally chose a leader for themselves, and terrified that they are not only losing the little influence they may have had but authority as well, conspired with their slave masters to commit the ongoing crime against humanity upon our people. To protect their little sphere of influence and continue to work against the collective interest of the Biafran people, they entered into alliance with the murderous Nigerian military in the service of the Arewa north. At the appropriate time, the Biafran people will hold them accountable.

We urge the international community, men and women of good conscience to be alive to its responsibility now and call the Nigeria government to order by compelling it to desist from further harassment, secret abductions and massacre of unarmed nonviolent Biafran civilians. We urge world leaders not only to impress upon the Nigerian government to respect the right of the Indigenous People of Biafra to Self-determination as stipulated by both the United Nations and African Union charters, but to hold them accountable for the ongoing genocide being perpetrated against the Indigenous People of Biafra. We shall remain undaunted in our conviction, we shall remain resolute in our belief and we shall remain firm and committed in our pursuit of freedom for the Indigenous People of Biafra notwithstanding the clear provocations from the Nigerian Military and other security agencies. We are a movement built upon principle and discipline and will not allow them to provoke us to fall into their trap.

The Nigerian state sponsored acts of violence and terror to terrify our people into submission cannot stop our resolve to extricate ourselves from the oppressive and humiliating servile existence imposed upon us in the contraption called Nigeria. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the leadership of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu affirms our immutable right to determine our cultural, economic and political system as a people, as well as our right to Self-determination as guaranteed and proclaimed by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous peoples to Self-Determination and Articles V, VI, VII and XII of the African Charter on Human & Peoples Rights (ratified and domesticated by Nigeria in 1983.

Mazi Chika Edoziem
Head Directorate of State of
Indigenous People of Biafra
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
The Biafra Times

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Biafra: We Forever Remain Biafrans, God Of The Just Will Fight For Us

By Onuoha Chinaetugo Paschal || For Biafra Writers

September 16, 2017 

Am heavily depressed about the whole situation of things, ranging from the illegal arrests, detention, state sponsored terrorism and extrajudicial killings. They are just too much and overbearing. Our able bodied young men are being massacred everyday, loved ones missing and you cannot tell what these trigger-happy (Nigerian army) might do in the next minute.

I have lost so many Comrades since this very march to freedom, friends and well wishers have also lost their loved ones, everybody is requesting for an order to activate self defence, the youths are asking for ammunitions to discontinue this gruesome massacre. Men are down.

They are trying to silence and obliterate us from the surface of the earth for questioning the status quo, the unity of an unholy matrimony that was ordained by an erstwhile faraway Caucasian which has its terms and conditions being determined and regulated by the whiteman's most cherished pets.
They are doing everything humanly possible to make sure that we don't survive. God help us.


We never called for war which is the only language the murderous Nigeria government understands, we only asked for a referendum so that we can vote and determine our future for ourselves, but they refused. Not only that, they also rejected to restructure the union and expect all of us to remain prostrate like this in a country that has refused to move forward. It is a known fact that if a vehicle refuses to move forward, I simply alight and join the moving train, that is the core, the rationale and the trajectory behind the urgency of a referendum.

They want to shutdown the communication network in the South-East so that we don't tell the world our plight, so that they don't witness this grave injustice being unleashed against us. We are Biafrans and we have no apologies for that.

The worst part of it is that our own leaders are complicit in this very crime against humanity, our land has been militarised and the Gestapo security agents of the Islamic Nigeria state have sworn an oath to destroy Biafra and her people by any means imaginable. In Your Hands we commit our people.

Read Also: Biafra: Ohanaeze Looks The Other Way As Kanu's Father, Israel Okwu Kanu Is Held Hostage......

Jet fighters are hovering around everywhere, they are bringing this carnage unto us and the United Nations and several other Human Right Watch seems helpless and unconcerned in our case.
May God guide and protect us all.

#Pray for BIAFRA
#Pray for this very land

Edited By Chukwuemeka Chimerue
Publisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
The Biafra Times

Thursday, 14 September 2017


September 14, 2017

It is important to bring to the notice of the public, that Nigerian government at Aso Rock Abuja yesterday, distributed millions of Naira to media houses to cast IPOB as the aggressor whilst forgetting that we were in our homes sleeping when the Nigerian Army attacked us on Sunday 10th, September afternoon and shot two people dead at Afara Ukwu Ubeku Umuahia; the home of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

It is all playing out because what is happening in Nigeria with regards to media coverage of the army occupation of Biafra land is a tragedy for journalism because IPOB remains a peaceful non-violent movement seeking self-determination as provided by the United Nations Charter.

We have not attacked anybody and are not as blood thirsty as the aggressors from the North. Biafrans and the world at large must disregard the fabricated lies from sponsored media platforms out to provide journalistic cover for the genocidal Nigerian Army.

It is unfortunate that Nigeria army under the command of Dictator Muhammadu Buhari ironically created their so called operation python dance 2, to kick-start another genocide in Biafra land, in a supposed democratic government. However, we remain non-violent and resolute in the pursuit of our quest for self-determination and we cannot be deterred by killings and any form of intimidation.

We are hereby urging all Biafrans to take to social media now as a matter of urgency, to save this and future generations from total Islamisation.

Bublisher: Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
The Biafra Times

Saturday, 2 September 2017


By Chijindu Benjamin Ukah || For Biafra Writers

September 2, 2017

Following the news making round the social media and offline press, it is unfortunate that the Muhammadu Buhari-led government and some unscrupulous elements are calling for the re-arrest of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra and Director of Radio Biafra and Biafra TV; Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

The Nigerian government has refused to learn from their past grave mistakes. Since Kanu’s arrest in October 2015, the Nigerian state has continued to shut down to the level of becoming almost insignificant before the international community, because of the regime's widespread human rights abuses and the inability of the government to handle Kanu’s matter democratically.

We have not forgotten easily that courts of competent jurisdiction twice ordered the unconditional release of Nnamdi Kanu, but the Nigerian dictator Muhammadu Buhari bluntly disobeyed the two court orders to release him. In saner climes, this singular act of utter disregard and desecration of the seat of justice, is enough reason to impeach and arrest Buhari but nothing was done about it. Therefore, Buhari should be arrested for violating court orders, not Kanu.


It is also on record that Lawal Daura, the Director-General of DSS, flouted court orders to release and compensate another Biafran; Bright Ishinwa Chimezie for illegally detaining him for many months. Till date, Bright Chimezie is still in the custody of the DSS against the court order. Lawal Daura should be arrested not Kanu. If the men in authority can flout court orders and cannot be arrested, then Nigeria is in one almighty mess.

The law is not a respecter(sic) of persons. It should be for everybody in the country, beginning from those in the helm of affairs to the least individual. But in Nigeria, the government authorities choose the laws to adhere to and discard the ones not favourable to them.

It beats my imagination that the only song we hear everywhere is “re-arrest Kanu”, When Arewa elders like Tanko Yakasaai, Yerima Shettima, Junaid Mohammed and their Arewa youths are walking free, gallivanting in Abuja even when the United Nation has demanded for their arrest and punishment for their treasonous and genocidal quit notice issued against the Igbo-speaking Biafrans in the north.

Nobody is calling for the arrest of those behind the anti-Igbo genocidal song, calling for the killing of Igbos in northern Nigeria, but they are fast to call for the re-arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, an innocent man who is only exercising his fundamental human rights.

Read Also: Biafra: Don’t Even Talk About Re-Arresting Nnamdi kanu Conduct PLEBISCITE To Enable Biafrans.......

I must state categorically clear that calling for Kanu’s re-arrest is simply a call for war, only a dictator, supporters of dictatorship, sectionalists and war mongers will call for the re-arrest of a man who is democratically exercising his human rights, let alone when the person in question is the leader of an emerging country; Biafra. Those calling for Kanu to be re-arrested should be arrested because they are inciting war. The Buhari-led government must understand that re-arresting Nnamdi Kanu is a crime against humanity and must be resisted by the Indigenous People of Biafra and people of good conscience around the world.


Edited By Chukwuemeka Chimerue
The Biafra Times

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