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Saturday, 26 October 2019

Poetry: Goodnight Mama Biafra

By Victoria Agangan. O | Biafra Writers
October 26, 2019

Even though you are gone, in our hearts, you remain a queen mother worthy of emulation.

Though you are gone, you came, you saw and you conquered, by giving us a worthy and outstanding leader and by standing by him until your last breath.

You displayed trustworthiness, oh!
Mama Biafra.

I remember your tactical responses to questions about him, during his illegal incarceration.
You encouraged Biafrans, by participating in protests.
What a wonderful mother!

I read that you died of shock, due to the gruesome murder of twenty-eight Biafrans in your compound and presence.

The unworthy Nigerian army had danced the python dance and slaughtered them in cold blood.

Your exit is worrisome and painful.
It is saddening and woeful.
We are in deep sorrow, though we also rejoice in the knowledge that you were there for Biafra, during your last days.

This race will definitely continue and will inevitably be won for your sake and for the sake of everyone else who has ever paid the ultimate price for this divine struggle.

Let the sun lighten the path you travel in, let the moon draw silver lines on your routes.

Sleep on beautiful mother.

Your laurels will be kept forever with Biafra.

Goodnight, Mama Biafra!

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Twitter:  @BiafraWriters
Edited By Ezeuchu Kutanya
Publisher: Charles Opanwa

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