By Nwamgba Amah
October 11, 2017
OZUBULU - Information reaching Biafra Writers news desk has it that the Nigeria army is forcing Biafrans in Ozubulu, Orifite, and Ihiala areas to get immunized.

Mazi Okeke Onwuegbu who called Biafra Writers newsroom narrated how Nigeria army went to a primary school near his home at Ugwuorie and asked school children to get immunized but the school authorities resisted them adding that they will need the parents/guardians permission before allowing them to carry on with their so-called immunization. That prompted the army to release some warning gunshots insisting that the school must be immunized. The said gunshots caused panic as school children began to run for their safety.

As at the time of filing this report, all schools in Ozubulu and its environs are closed.

In other countries, Military are only deployed to help run medical and other services only where there is a natural disaster and the state declared a state of emergency but why should this military aid be forced on our people as against their wish?
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Unbelievable! These dirty born throw way governors and their so called Nigerian military have now carried their operation monkey pox dance to school with war weapons and vehicles, shot live bullets into the air because school faculty and administration insisted to get parental consent if their little children should be given monkey pox dance shots. It is only in the zoo that parents don't have any rights over their own children. What a disgraceful shame. They scared the hell out of the children and the children had to take to their heels running for their dear lives. The next thing is that the governors and the Nigerian military and the Yoruba police commission will deny and accuse the faculty, administration, the school children and the parents of treasonable acts and terrorism!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat type of nonsense is this? How can these Nigeria Boko haram Army force school children to be injected with unknown vaccinations? How can they conduct such sinister free medical immunizations without the consent of school authorities, parents and healthcare professionals? What kind of country has Nigeria become under Buhari? This sinister agenda to poison Biafra school children must be stopped by all means... There’s no outbreak or immediate health danger in Southeast/South-south regions. Even if there is, the Army are not trained to carry such immunizations and vaccinations. This murderous vaccination must be halted immediately. What an evil to vulnerable children.
ReplyDeleteIf the intention of the Buhari government is not to use Germ Warfare on Biafran school children why are they sending the army to Biafrans schools to forcefully inject this deadly poison in innocent kids? I hope the world is watching.
ReplyDeletePlease take your immunization and vaccinations to the North and IDP camps. School children in Biafra land do not need to be vaccinated and immunization is not by force and at gun-point. This is sinister and satanic. You are evil. Thank you very much!