By Fredrick Onyeali || Biafra Writers
July 14, 2017
Sometimes I look at these people who claim that they are Igbo elites as people bereaved of wisdom and knowledge, these people passed through the same Primary, Secondary Schools and Universities which we also passed through. How come in a broad daylight they became Igbo Elites, did they study specially in the Sun, in the Moon or inside the Ocean where they graduated and impose on themselves the position of the so called Igbo Elites.
These people find themselves in one useless caucus or the other and believe that if anything is to happen in Igboland and they are not there it will not work. Sometimes People say " in this thing that is happening where are the Igbo elites" like Soludo said, many people were saying we are talking of Biafra what has the Igbo elites said and I will tell them "taa kwuchie Onu gi kee ndi bu Igbo elite" (who are the Igbo elites).
My deepest anger is that these people will go in their caucus and Political groups make one useless decision which does not favour me and expect me to keep to it and some gullible individuals will be jumping up that the Igbo elites are now coming out, coming out to do what? and I keep asking who are the Igbo elites and where are they?
I challenged this expression some two years ago in my article I titled "who are the Igbo elites and where are they" when Bar. Emeka Ugwuonye used the expression in the first video he made after Director Nnamdi Kanu was arrested and the protest that followed, Prof. Soludo also used it in his speech during a book lunching.
Now looking at how far the struggle for Biafra restoration has gone what part has the so called Igbo elites played in understanding the inner feelings of the majority of about 90% of Igbo youths that have taken this on themselves to achieve this goal or die in the process instead they aliened with our enemies against their own people. The position of Ohaneze today concerning the Biafra restoration explains clearly what I am saying here.
For me the Igbo elites are you and me that knows what is necessary for us to do for our good and the generations to come and we face it squarely not minding the difficulties involved in it. You don't need to read inside Pluto to become Igbo elite but your pure reasoning and ability to face the issues confronting you makes you one and those people you regard as Igbo elites, you expect to talk before we know if Biafra will be restored or not, I call them "educated illiterates" who have nothing to offer.
Director Nnamdi Kanu said it earlier that it is you and I that will restore Biafra, not any other person that will do it and that is what we are doing, and I hope that most of you that are waiting for the so called Igbo elites and Igbo Politicians to say something or lead the Biafra restoration struggle has been totally disappointed and your faces buried in shame.
By Fredrick Onyeali
IPOB Elder Statesman
Almost all major agitations for freedom, independence and revolution in the world have been undertaken by youths and women. Igbo politicians, intellectuals, elders, Chiefs, Ezes, Ohaneze and myriad of all the Igbo organizations world-wide have failed Igboland and Biafran people. But we promise them that IPOB under the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu, Uche Mefor and others, we will get Biafra nation or die fighting for it. And so the so-called Igbo elites are inconsequential.
ReplyDeleteThe warrant chief system emanated as a matter of necessity from the lack of preexisting chieftaincy traditions in some parts of Africa. There were parts of British colonial territories, such as the Igbo region of eastern Nigeria, which had no tradition of chieftaincy intuitions. The British appointed willing participants or collaborators and gave them ”warrants” to act as local representatives of the British administration among their people. The French, Belgians, and Portuguese, practicing so-called direct administration, also appointed provincial chiefs to assistant in local administration. The appointment of warrant and provincial chiefs was an invention of traditions that have continued in different forms today.
DeleteThe British failed to realize, however, that some parts of Africa were unfamiliar with the idea of “chiefs” or “kings.” Among the Igbo, for example, decisions were made by protracted debate and general consensus. The new powers given to the warrant chiefs and enhanced by the native court system led to an exercise of power and authority unprecedented in precolonial times. Warrant chiefs also used their power to accumulate wealth at the expense of their subjects. Through this process, colonial officials tended to create or recreate a patriarchal society because only men were appointed as warrant chiefs.
ReplyDeleteThe appointment of warrant chiefs created significant problems and engendered large-scale resentment among African people. The warrant chiefs were hated because they were corrupt and arrogant. One of the most important acts of resistance to the warrant chief system occurred among the Igbo of eastern Nigeria during the famous 1929 women’s revolt in which thousands of peasant women protested against the introduction of taxes, the warrant chief system, and the low prices of agricultural produce emanating from the global depression of the late 1920s. The indirect rule and warrant chief systems were particularly foreign to existing political structures.
ReplyDeleteAll roads lead to Biafra ,with or without the so called illiterats and frustrated Igbo elites should go to lagoon and serve because no one see and feel you...you don't exist.In fact go to hell...to what i care...
ReplyDeleteIgbo elites to support the agitation? You Wait for the nose to sleep.