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Friday, 15 January 2016



Nigeria has never produced a leader since its birth in 1960. From Nnamdi Azikiwe to Goodluck Jonathan. When Nigeria tried to have one in "Murtala Mohammed", Britain the maker and creator of Nigeria saw that this man [Murtall Mohammed] seem to know which way to shine the light of development for Nigeria, quickly snuffed the life off him. From then till date no meaningful leader has ever emerged in Nigeria which is why Britain has not intervened again. Obasanjo dared call Biafra secession "an Error".


In what perspective? Is Biafra restoration an error that Biafra was not in existence before the creation of Nigeria or that the Biritish who created Nigeria did not sign an agreement with chiefs of Itshekiri and Biafra, or that Fedrick Lugard who concocted this cocktail called Nigeria did not give it an expiring date? Where did Obasanjo, [the leader who defrauded his country of Billions of dollars and is not ashamed to tell the whole world how much of a  kleptomaniac he is by returning part of his stolen loots to Buhari in the broad day light] base his assessment of Biafra restoration as an error?. This man Obasanjo ruled Nigeria for 8 years apart from his many years as a military junta, but his country has nothing to show for it. His Nigeria cannot boast of common drinking Water, Electricity, good roads, Hospitals or schools, and he has the effrontery to describe the Biafra restoration struggle as an error. Obasanjo spent billions of dollars of Nigeria money claiming to provide electricity for Nigeria but ended up destroying the epleptic power supply available in Nigeria to parralised power sector. What right has Obasanjo to educate anyone on what is right and what is an error? A president under whose regime all ministers, senators and entire parliament was as corrupt and a virus. I have a question for the group called "Nextier Advisory" in whose seminar Obasanjo spoke
, ..... On what basis  did Obasanjo qualify to deliver a lecture on the forum for advisory on any issue pertaining Biafra? Is it on the basis of the laudable infrastructure he put in place during his tenure as head of state or president? Or his transparency in governance when you know that "Transparency International" described Obasanjo's government as the most corrupt government Nigeria ever had during which all arms of the government was so corrupt it became a yard stick. A man so disgracefully corrupt his own son accused him of sleeping with his wife for oil contracts.  It was under Obasanjo that a ministerial portfolio was created solely to launder Nigeria's rotten image abroad. Yet this abominable leader has the guts to say Biafra restoration is an error. I ask "Nextier Advisory" what sort of advice it hoped to get from Obasanjo, a genocidist on the issue pertaining to the survivors of his genocidal campaign? Inviting Obasanjo to speak on the issue of Biafra is like asking "a Palestinian whether or not to pass a death sentence to an Israeli".  Let us educate Obasanjo that Biafra is a nation and does not need anybody's permission to remain a nation, although Obasanjo, as idiotic as he is, does not know that his nation is "Oduduwa" and not Nigeria, just as Arewa is a nation too. "A child who doesn't know his father always calls his mother's boy friend 'daddy'", OBASANJO, SEEK YOUR ROOT. In line with my bid to educate Obasanjo on what an error is, I want him to know that Scotland, 2015 held a referendum to decide whether to remain part of United Kingdom or not, with out Britain forcing them to remain in the union. Why is it that Oduduwa and Arewa cannot exist as a nation without Biafra? With the determination which the Arewas and the Oduduwas are fighting, maiming and slaughtering Biafrans to keep them in the Nigeria contraption since 1967 till date shows that they can never survive as a nation without Biafra. Which means the exisxtence of the country Nigeria depends on Biafra being part of it. Is it not a shame therefore that Arewas and Oduduwas are just mere parasites on the Biafrans nation. So from Obasanjo's assessment, to free oneself from parasitic leeches amounts to an error? Only in the brains of a chimpanze could such be an error.

Written By   Ikechukwu Nwaorisa


  1. This is 2016 and not 1967-1970 when the nigeria murderous state came up with all sort of garbage and left Scott free.obasanjo,massacred millions of innocent biafrans and till today,the souls of the innocent men,woman,and children still hunts him around.

  2. Do you see why the world acknowledge Biafrans as the wisest giant of Africans.

    What I deduct from this passage is that their must be a time Oduduwa and Arewa must become a nation. But they have nothing to survive with if Biafrans go.

    Remove Biafra, No Nigeria.

    Obasanjo is a error. Nigeria has expired.


  3. thank u my brother for tellin them the truth bcus they are afraid of us let us go no way. a chimpanzi like him i think he should go an fight for oduduwa .he has nothing to offer to biafra an we dont need him

  4. Obasanjo knows that the freedom of Biafra, spells the death and doom of the zoo jihadist Islamic Nigeria. Unfortunately for the stunt Obasanjo, the era of Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba and Britain taking Biafra for granted is all over. Biafra has come. All hail Biafra!!!

  5. Let us educate Obasanjo that Biafra is a nation and does not need anybody's permission to remain a nation, although Obasanjo, as idiotic as he is, does not know that his nation is "Oduduwa" and not Nigeria, just as Arewa is a nation too. "A child who doesn't know his father always calls his mother's boyfriend 'daddy'", OBASANJO, SEEK YOUR ROOT. In line with my bid to educate Obasanjo on what an error is, I want him to know that Scotland, 2015 held a referendum to decide whether to remain part of United Kingdom or not, without Britain forcing them to remain in the union. Why is it that Oduduwa and Arewa cannot exist as a nation without Biafra? With the determination which the Arewas and the Oduduwas are fighting, maiming and slaughtering Biafrans to keep them in the Nigeria contraption since 1967 till date shows that they can never survive as a nation without Biafra. Which means the existence of the country Nigeria depends on Biafra being part of it. Is it not a shame therefore that Arewas and Oduduwas are just mere parasites on the Biafrans nation. So from Obasanjo's assessment, to free oneself from parasitic leech’s amounts to an error? Only in the brains of a Chimpanzee could such be an error.

  6. with people like Ubasongo and General Buhari in Nigeria, Nigeria has no chance. Illiteracy has eaten in the brain of their type. We are not against him on fight on corruption but disobeying court orders on it own amounts to corruption. If you are to teach people to understand, you should show them that the properties of understanding is already in you. If I may ask between Nnamdi Kanu and General Buhari who committed treason according to the Nigerian constitution. In 1984 General Buhari overthrew the elected government of Shehu Shegari. In Chile general Pinochet went to prison for same act and it could be the reason they want Nigeria as it is. if he is to start fighting corruption or intending to change Nigeria we have to go back to 1983.


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