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Monday, 28 September 2015

Open letter: Dear Ludovica, IPOB is not a Boko Haram terrorists

Dear Ludovica,

I find it heart-wrenching that you authored this article:

With all the facts at your disposal and having interviewed the actual victims of the Onitsha extra-judicial killing of Biafrans and having received countless pictures of wounded Biafrans, you still authored the above article that is reminiscent of a compromised journalist.

I had thought with a journalist like you coming out to investigate the injustices meted out to Biafrans, that at last, "a Daniel has come tojudgment." To say that we Biafrans are disappointed in you is to be extremely diplomatic.

It is now very clear that you have a hidden agenda as dictated to you by the sworn enemies of Biafra who may have compromised you with bribe, otherwise how can you write such a despicable article?

You have driven yourself into infamy with this travesty of article. Just know that you will no longer receive any cooperation from IPOB and you can go ahead and write whatever junk you like but at the end, the nation of Biafra shall be restored to your chagrin because good shall always overcome evil.

Biafra lives !!!

Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya

Coordinator of Coordinators of IPOB-Worldwide


  1. Don't worry Dr Iroanya, the world is a global village and Ludovica's attempt will only make other people dig out for themselves the truth about Biafra. I have read where people have been questioning why Biafrans should not simply get out of Nigeria, instead of remaining with the terrorist infested country. Remember, this is no longer the age when anyone like Ludovica (who is probably an islamist sympathizer and beneficiary of the corrupt and warped Nigerian system by proxy), is the only source of information. Many in the world already know what Biafrans stand for. By the way, understanding the meaning of BOKO HARAM says it all. Biafrans love education and cannot subscribe to wasting human life by any means. But it doesn't mean Biafrans will not fight to liberate themselves from the terrorist Nigeria, if the need arises. That's not terrorism.

  2. I used to hold you in high esteem Ludovica Iaccino, but you are a total disappointment to humanity. Just because you enjoy freedom and liberty, u don't know and can't even imagine what we are passing through as humans in this God forbidden and expired country called Nigeria being presided over by a staunch illiterate and dictator Buhari. This article written by you just showed how compromised you are, how much did they give to you to make you write such junk at the detriment of Innocent people peacefully agitating for the freedom as enshrined in United Nations Right of Indigenous People to self determination? we are educated, consistent and resilient. We know what we are doing; no amount of junk that will be written by you will deter us. In years gone by, people enter into journalism because of passion and the urge to create voice for the voiceless but instead of that you've decided to engage in brown envelope journalism just like your friends in Nigeria. As you write this junk next time, just have it at the back of your mind that you are supporting the unjustified death of defenseless and innocent men, women and children in Biafra Land and that the wrath of Almighty Chiukwu Abiama (God) shall not be kind with you.

    Thank You.


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